Some of us never be-leaved that the Russians ever freed their satellites in fact some of their open statements admitted that their main goal was only to get us to disarm so they could gain the upper hand.
. My mother was born in the United States but her
heritage is Ukrainian; this is a story that was told by her father, my
Many farmers decided not to farm their land as it no
longer belonged to them under communism.
The communists were determined to have those crops and so resorted to a
strategy to call all the people together in “town meetings”. A huge wooden vat was placed in the town
square. A farmer was then chained to the
bottom of that vat and given a tea cup.
The town well then had a pump placed in it and the farmer had to bale
water for his life. He couldn’t keep up
with the pump as it filled the vat his splashes and screams were eventually
followed by an eerie silence until the water crested and the only sound herd
was the splash of the drops as the container began to run over and splatter upon
the ground. So the point was well taken.
Others were chosen to go through that same experience that day. The farmers went back to farm and Stalin
said, “I will press the bony hand of the Ukrainians against their own throat.” They were forbidden to eat anything out of
their own fields and 14,000,000 of them starved to death. Guards were placed
over the fields and anyone found in the field was shot. Women were boiling the
leaves off of trees to feed their children.
Soon thereafter
the above story my grandfather was in a bar. Bars at the time in the Ukrainian
did not have the stigma a bar does here they were meeting places friends would
gather at the start or the close of the day.
Jewish people
were targeted by the police as often as was possible. On this particular
occasion the police came in to the bar and said a crime had been committed and
picked a Jewish man and accused him. My grandfather asked, “What time was the
crime committed?” When the police responded my grandfather said, “He could not
have committed the crime as he was here with us!” Returning home and telling
his parents what had happened he was informed, “You are a dead man”. They
immediately made preparations to get him out of the country. He must have made
it out before the borders were closed. When he got off the boat in America, he
got on his hands and knees and kissed the ground.
Yesterday the Ukrainian soldiers were given the choice to either join the Russians or be kicked out of the country. Some chose to leave but in reality it is most likely that as our sun rose this morning there was none of these men who saw it. It is highly likely they were only useful for a photo shoot like the other propaganda films of the past and now are all dead.
War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is
inevitable. Today, of
course we are not strong enough to attack… to win we shall need the element of
surprise. The bourgeois (Term used to
refer to free nations or people particularly the U.S.A.) will have to be put to
sleep. So, we shall begin by launching
the most spectacular peace movement on record.
There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The
capitalist countries stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their
own destruction. They will leap at
another chance to be friends. As soon as
their guard is down we will smash them with our clenched fist.” (Dimitry Z. Manuilsky, Comment made in the
School of Political Warfare in Moscow; later to preside over the U.N. Security
Council in 1949, Quote by Cleon Skousen in
Naked Communist, page 208,
Richard W Norman