Monday, March 31, 2014


A series of important events society ignores in tell they repeat them.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Left below is a manual in surviving in the cold and fighting as well 2) Beretta and Taurus both made this side arm for the military this was the operators manual. 3) Freedom from War  The united States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This was presented as the plan for the disarmament of the USA by our own people in government to the UN. Everything that has been happening in America today hinged on this one document  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

Cold Weather Survival Soldier Handbook for Individual OperationsBeretta 92F series TaurusFreedom From War Publication 7277 US Program for Complete Disarmament\

Friday, March 28, 2014

Rednecks and Hicks

A man station in life who does not merit much public acclaim -but among those who know him he caries the best of attributes of character. Those who fall below the level of Hicks and Rednecks live without principle, virtue or honor  and are described in unmentionables terms. It is unfortunate that many of these are well educated and look down on Rednecks and Hicks. I would suppose that this group feel threatened by Rednecks and Hicks as they stand for the principles of God, family, and country the others have long since shunned. Perhaps it would be well to have an annual Hicks and Redneck day where the nation attends church, spends time with the family has a pick-nick and flies an American flag remembering those who gave their life so we could remain free. Personally I feel we have a shortage of Rednecks and Hicks and pray they never become an endangered species in this nation.
Richard W Norman
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Tactics Techniques and Concepts of Anti-armor Warfare historical training manual 2) KFM Fallout Radiation Meter Kit Instructions This is a home made fallout meter developed during the cold war. They knew the public could not get a meter in an emergence so this was designed so anyone could build one with stuff you had around the house.3) US Ammunition Price list from 1912. Not just a neat document but it includes bullet weights and black powder charges for many old cartridges.  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Anti-armor Infantry Tactics Techniques and ConceptsHomemade KFM Fallout Radiation Meter KitUS Ammunition Price List for 1912    

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The fall of the Ukraine

Some of us never be-leaved that the Russians ever freed their satellites in fact some of their open statements admitted that their main goal was only to get us to disarm so they could gain the upper hand.
 . My mother was born in the United States but her heritage is Ukrainian; this is a story that was told by her father, my grandfather.
Many farmers decided not to farm their land as it no longer belonged to them under communism.  The communists were determined to have those crops and so resorted to a strategy to call all the people together in “town meetings”.  A huge wooden vat was placed in the town square.  A farmer was then chained to the bottom of that vat and given a tea cup.  The town well then had a pump placed in it and the farmer had to bale water for his life.  He couldn’t keep up with the pump as it filled the vat his splashes and screams were eventually followed by an eerie silence until the water crested and the only sound herd was the splash of the drops as the container began to run over and splatter upon the ground. So the point was well taken.  Others were chosen to go through that same experience that day.  The farmers went back to farm and Stalin said, “I will press the bony hand of the Ukrainians against their own throat.”  They were forbidden to eat anything out of their own fields and 14,000,000 of them starved to death. Guards were placed over the fields and anyone found in the field was shot. Women were boiling the leaves off of trees to feed their children.
  Soon thereafter the above story my grandfather was in a bar. Bars at the time in the Ukrainian did not have the stigma a bar does here they were meeting places friends would gather at the start or the close of the day.
  Jewish people were targeted by the police as often as was possible. On this particular occasion the police came in to the bar and said a crime had been committed and picked a Jewish man and accused him. My grandfather asked, “What time was the crime committed?” When the police responded my grandfather said, “He could not have committed the crime as he was here with us!” Returning home and telling his parents what had happened he was informed, “You are a dead man”. They immediately made preparations to get him out of the country. He must have made it out before the borders were closed. When he got off the boat in America, he got on his hands and knees and kissed the ground.
  Yesterday the Ukrainian soldiers were given the choice to either join the Russians or be kicked out of the country. Some chose to leave but in reality it is most likely that as our sun rose this morning there was none of these men who saw it. It is highly likely they were only useful for a photo shoot like the other propaganda films of the past and now are all dead.
War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable.  Today, of course we are not strong enough to attack… to win we shall need the element of surprise.  The bourgeois (Term used to refer to free nations or people particularly the U.S.A.) will have to be put to sleep.  So, we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record.  There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction.  They will leap at another chance to be friends.  As soon as their guard is down we will smash them with our clenched fist.”  (Dimitry Z. Manuilsky, Comment made in the School of Political Warfare in Moscow; later to preside over the U.N. Security Council in 1949, Quote by Cleon Skousen in The Naked Communist, page 208,
   Richard W Norman  

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Sixth Sense

True intuition is the time when God enlightens the mind of a man our greatest fault is not giving him credit for it.
Richard W Norman

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


A child is one of those things that is always hungry, thirsty, needing continual care , and never satisfied with what they have and always wants what the other kid has. It is tolerated in an infant and detestable in a man.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) AK47 operators manual all the army thought a soldier needed to know 2) Arasaka Rifle some of the history as well as information on some models you should not shoot 3) Gun Reloading Equipment a Buyers Guide the very least you would need to buy. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!
AK-47 Operator Manual for Assult RifleArisaka Rifle 7.7 & 6.5 JapaneseGun Reloading Equipment: A Buyer

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Frend

One who sticks his neck out and takes a chance in becoming your enemy when his counsel is for your own good.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Developed in a simpler time Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack 2) Because of surplus import back stock military ammo that rusts gun barrels with corrosive primers this manual was written. How to clean the gun and stop the attack on your gun. 3) Gun Control and ammo and gun storage and burial To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here . No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack TC23-44How to Clean Gun after Corrosive AmmoGun Control and Gun and Ammo Storage and Burial


Flattery is to strong a drink to swallow and should only be smelled lightly lest one becomes intoxicated.
Richard W Norman

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Faith is only justified in connection to the highest true principles in relation to God, the universe, and actual truth, anything less is a perversion.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun.3) Salvaging old used brass and how to bring it into a usable condition. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! 
All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalCleaning and Polishing Brass:Handbook

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Personal Growth

The poorest form of growth in the life of a man or a woman is a big heads and inflated ego.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

   Combat Handgun Tactics Building the Sheet Metal BrakeM16 Rifle Manual of Operation for 5.56mm

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The wisest of men learn from the mistakes of others. We truly show a lack of personal awareness if we must repeat them ourselves.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) Home mad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun. 3) Black Powder Arms in Modern Application in a time of desperation you may need to use a black powder gun because you cannot get anything better better covers everything including powder production and salvaging potassium nitrate from dirt, loading, etc . To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
Building the Sheet Metal BrakeBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalBlack Powder Arms in Modern Application

Sunday, March 2, 2014


There never was a cause for continual embarrassment when a man makes a good honest mistake. We must always remember that the glint of gold in the sands of mistakes is experience.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps, over 70 titles to chose from

All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBullet Casting: A War Time Resistance GuideBooby Traps