Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Bad Career Politician

A bad career politician is like a man with a cold. He keeps telling the boss how much he is needed around the office but in the end he infects the rest of the office with his sickness. A bad career politician is like a man with a cold, he should be sent home and we all pray for his recovery and continued health but in the politicians case at another line of work. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Developed in a simpler time Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack 2) Because of surplus import back stock military ammo that rusts gun barrels with corrosive primers this manual was written. How to clean the gun and stop the attack on your gun. 3) Gun Control and ammo and gun storage and burial To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here . No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack TC23-44How to Clean Gun after Corrosive AmmoGun Control and Gun and Ammo Storage and Burial

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