A sure sign of a man is trying to make up for a lack of linguistics skills, judged by most to be a man without intellect. Such leaves a man or woman with out the claim of being a lady of a gentleman.
Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps, over 70 titles to chose from www.firstpatriotpress.com
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