If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Tactics Techniques and Concepts of Anti-armor Warfare historical training manual 2) KFM Fallout Radiation Meter Kit Instructions This is a home made fallout meter developed during the cold war. They knew the public could not get a meter in an emergence so this was designed so anyone could build one with stuff you had around the house.3) US Ammunition Price list from 1912. Not just a neat document but it includes bullet weights and black powder charges for many old cartridges. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
These gun posts are unique as that the products, research, photos, drawings and work has been done by me, or I have traveled to places to see those doing unusual things related to guns and have taken photos of their inventions and genius related to guns. Some gun products are handmade by me in these posts and have taken a month. Reports have taken up to and over a week for a single post I have dyslexia which spelling is corrected in my books but not here. Richard W. Norman
Guns, and Gun related information, survival, home ammo production and much more
- 12 Round Magazine A2 Ishapore
- Ammo Application in gun function
- Black Powder Some of the Ins and Outs
- Boat Keel Bullets -- Cutting Lead
- Bolt assembly tool homemade
- Bullet Boards for reloading
- Bullet Movement Air Movement
- Bullet casting seminar Part 1 of 9 posts
- Dominant Eye Shooting
- Gun cleaning rod from fiberglass reflector pole
- How I built my bomb shelter
- I make a $500 Magma Type Melting Pot from junk iron 1 of 20 posts
- Military Gun Cleaning Kits
- Rusty Gun Cleaning
- Stopping Scurvy with Vitamin C from native plants
- Wheel Weights for Bullet Casting sorting of
Monday, December 31, 2012
A new Goal
New Years resolutions come and go but we must remember that our biggest successes are in doing a little something every day to achieve our goals. No one can do everything all at once but every one can do a little something each day. Remember "by small means are great things accomplished" Is not some small effort better than no effort at all. On a day when you can not achieve what you planned then set a goal to achieve what you can. Richard W Norman

Thursday, December 13, 2012
Merry Christmas
At this Christmas season it would be well to remember the cause of Christ and the plan of salvation. This plan was based upon the sacrifice of a savior so we could repent of our wrongs and at the end of this our mortal existence return to the God who gave us life to make an accounting of how we loved our fellow beings. Christ the only perfect person who had ever lived sacrificed himself so we would have the opportunity to repent and improve. He suffered so we would not have to! But if we neglect to repent and improve then we will suffer the full weight of justice making the atonement void and of no effect in our personal life. This brings upon the wicked the full weight of justice explained in the Old and New Testament.
At this time of the remembrance of the babe of Bethlehem. We must remember that his life and death was foretold and born witness of, by prophets leading up to the time of his birth. The star that was prophesied as a sign of his coming was foretold thousands of years before his coming and the fact that the star did appear at the time of his birth is a mater of history. King Herod's killing of the babes in Bethlehem was also foretold in the Old Testament and is also today a mater of recorded history. The miracles and hearings Christ preformed in his ministry are also a mater of recorded history outside the Bible account. No other man has had such a long term effect on the world than this one solitary life. Jesus Christ was the lamb without blemish, the ultimate sacrifice to end all sacrifices. I bear my humble testimony that he lives--he was not to molder in the dust as normal men but was the first to be resurrected. I will unite my testimony with Job "Though skin worms will destroy my flesh after death" "in my flesh I will see God". Merry Christmas to you and yours Richard W Norman

For gun books and military manuals see First Patriot Press
For gun books and military manuals see First Patriot Press
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Bullet Boards 2 of 2
The camera angle did not show the bottom line on the bottom board but each piece was laid out 1/8 inch wider and longer then the size of the bullet board so it could be sanded flush when it was assembled.
Below is 5/8 inch wire brads and long nosed pliers. You do not need a wire brad gun to make such assemblies. I have a air brad gun but the process below will allow you to assemble such a project without one. To many people buy tools that they will uses so seldom as not to pay for the investment.
Long nosed pliers are used with a piece of rag to stain the inside of the holes. This would be very difficult with the part assembled so do this first. Note the exit holes where the drill bit came out facing you show some splintered aeries these will be hidden. If you ever need a hole clean with no splinters on each side clamp a scrap board to the drill press.
A drop of glue is placed strategically and the the 1/4 inch bottom was already stained and placed so as to hang over the edges.
Below is the assembly of the bottom with wire brads around the edges.
With the bottom assembled it is then sanded flush with the oak board to give the job a flush fit. Note the edges are given a slight touch to get rid of the sharp corners on the board itself as well as the 1/4 inch bottom. I turned the board in a 45 degree angle to accomplish this. I did this with the electric sander below but you may want to do the job with a sanding block as you could make a mess out of it if you goof. It takes a quick light touch if using the electric belt sander.
The bullet boards are given one last stain and allowed to dry for a day and will be ready for your choice of polyurethane, varnish, or lacquer. If this is the first visit to the sight the bullet boards are leaning against a home made 90 lb lead melting pot that I show how to build on this blog made out of scrap iron.
Richard W Norman the Junk Ologist
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) AK47 operators manual all the army thought a soldier needed to know 2) Arasaka Rifle some of the history as well as information on some models you should not shoot 3) Gun Reloading Equipment a Buyers Guide the very least you would need to buy. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Bullet Boards 1 of 2
A simple inexpensive Christmas present. In reloading shell casings especially rifle, after sizing and priming the powder is thrown and the shell casings are placed in a bullet board to check for powder height. This check is done with a flashlight. I am using 1 X 12 oak scrap by X 10 1/2 inches to 12 inches long will make two very fine bullet boards also 1 X 6 X 12 will work as well. Pine is OK but oak, ash, walnut or other hard woods are always preferable. This was from the lumber yard scrap and though I would have bought it (at a reduced price) the man kept looking at it and calling it scrap and finally said "take it no one else would want it".
Layout is everything on any project and you can make a thing of beauty or a piece of trash of no use to anyone. One more time a bullet board is used for reloading and checking the powder with a flashlight to make sure that you did not through a double charge or miss a charge.(which would be bad). The bullet board is a piece of lumber that has some holes drilled all the way through it and a piece of Masonite or 1/4 inch particle board or paneling placed behind it. Normal bullet boards are most often made with 1/2 inch holes. This is the optimum size for most shell cases and should be the first chosen. For my purpose I chose 5/8 inch as I wanted the boards to accommodate 7.62 X 54 shell casings. The bit chosen has three points (do not use a single point bit it will splinter the entrance hole) and the two side points make the cut for a clean hole. Given the bit was new and the number of holes needed was 100 the bit would have to cut through 75 inches of wood to finish the job. Oak is a hard wood, it is highly likely that the bit cutting edges would be slightly duller before drilling the last hole and a possibility of splintering the entrance hole. To solve this problem the holes were started so the outer sharp cutting edges could be used to greatest advantage and then I went back to finish drilling the holes.
Note the good layout of lines
The holes are clean and sharp on the edges with no splinters or chips and well spaced. On the way home from the lumber yard I stopped by a cabinet shop and asked for a piece of cabinet backing scrap that was about 1 ft by 1 ft such small pieces are usually thrown away anyway so he gave it to me. I have some stains and glue and finish from other projects so this whole project was basically free. If you use a hard wood currently 1 X 12 X 12 oak is about $10 a foot and 1 X 6 X 12 times two boards might be a little cheaper but at a minimum the boards above would be $5 each.
Blade cut is important to any project and the difference between a thing of beauty and a splintered edge. A Circular saw should cut so the cutting points attack the finish side and the splintered side will be the hidden side. Jig saw blades can be bought so the saw teeth cut up or down flip the board accordingly so as not to splinter the finish side. The point of the cutting teeth always attack the finish side. A dull blade may splinter your work no mater what you do. A sharp blade usually leaves a good finish on both sides Note the line in the middle of the above boards is where the boards will be separated. There are fifty holes in each board. To see the next post in creating this project click here
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below
Friday, December 7, 2012
Pearl Harbor Espionage
On December 7, 1941 an attack on the American fleet occurred in Pearl Harbor. The espionage involved the Japanese embassy who made frequent reports of the number of ships coming into the harbor. This was the most successful espionage program ever made against the United States up to that time. Years would pass after the war and a far more successful attack would be made by President Bill Clinton. He gave away the plans for the our intercontinental ballistic missile to China as well as the tool and die plant to produce the missile themselves. Along with this act of treason he gave them the multiple warhead delivery system and in Congressional hearings they reported that China copied our missile even down to the isolation in the rocket housing. Clinton would dismantle our navy in tell it was smaller than the navy of France and destroy about 2 out of every 3 fighter planes and cast 10,000 of our front line tanks into the Gulf of Mexico. He also declassified truckloads of classified military information and gave it to the Chinese and forced countless soldiers into early retirement. Even though time has passed much of this same equipment is still cutting edge in technology used today. In a future day with the loss of so much of our military hard ware that would be impossible to replace we may well look back and remember the greatest treachery ever used against the USA as not from the outside in but from the inside out as a US president spent our money and industrialized China placing them on an equal footing with us. In a future day we may well forget the treachery involved at Pearl Harbor in favor of remembering the sales job in the press when they allowed this treason to be swept under the carpet. Bill Clinton literally created a superpower that our grand children may have to fight. Heaven help us in that day! Richard W Norman
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Term Limits
People are generally
good—it’s the people that are not
generally good that we need to worry about. Why do people in the press and lawyers,
politicians and some judges always fall in the second group? We must conclude
that their line of work is an occupational hazard and that a constant rotation
will assure a less corrupted group of men and women. When a bad man has long
term power he learns how to magnify his power. By electing the less experienced
we have those less experienced in doing bad. Only the good deserve long term
positions! In this we must be very careful, if their voting record in congress will not reflect their words and those in the press lead us astray, and some judges make rulings against principle then as a group their word is no good. They are no good! Its time for a change!!! Richard W Norman
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
You Get What You Give
If we accept tyranny
and oppression for others, can we expect security and safety for ourselves? Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) Home mad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun. 3) Black Powder Arms in Modern Application in a time of desperation you may need to use a black powder gun because you cannot get anything better better covers everything including powder production and salvaging potassium nitrate from dirt, loading, etc . To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Dominant Eye Shooting
The dominant eye has a lot to do with how people shoot. |
A key factor as to how a rifle is handled is the way you see things-- one of your eyes is dominant. Hold up a finger and look at it with both eyes now close your left eye if your finger stays in the same place you are right eye dominant now switch and close the other eye and your finger will move. For the man with his first gun it will determine how he handles his gun. My Mom was born in a time where being left handed was frowned on so her teacher would crack her knuckles with a ruler every time she picked up a pencil with her left hand. Left handed people are generally left eye dominant. Left alone they will handle a gun with their left hand to pull the trigger with. For them a gun is backwards. Given that the majority of the people are right handed military rifles and most sporting rifles are generally speaking made to function for right handed people. The counsel for shooting is to keep both eyes open when shooting but here again right handed people are usually right eye dominant which creates no real problem. Keeping both eyes open creates a field of vision that allows you to chose varying targets. For the left eye dominant person he must learn to function the gun as a right handed person would, load it as a right handed person wood but shoot it aiming with his recessive eye. In the case of a military rifle for the most part you are stuck with a right handed gun. There is some information on plastic shell deflectors as well as some instructors teaching shooters to shoot the dominant eye. There is also information on instructors teaching people to shoot right handed and insisting on it using their recessive eye. If you try to reverse the way you handle the gun you will be at a tremendous disadvantage as you will not be able to quickly function the gun especially old bolt action rifles so you must from the start learn to handle the gun as it was made to be handled. In the case of being left eye dominant you must verify the target and close your dominant eye aim and fire with your recessive eye and open both eyes and pick another target and close the dominant eye aim and fire. Well you might say I will just buy a left handed gun well in a stress situation you will have to learn to shoot all over again if you louse your gun. Some military rifles are known for throwing hot brass in you face. More than likely if you get your hands on another rifle if you louse yours it will be right handed too. For you learning as a lefty with your first gun it would pay to learn how to shoot right handed. It will be a little more work but worth the investment of time. Then it will never mater if you have to pick up a right handed gun it will always be usable. If you ever ended up in a street fight in the army you could swing the gun from shoulder to shoulder depending on the position of the wall you were shooting around giving you a tremendous advantage.
SKS after market bolt |
If you have always invested in left handed guns then you might want a left handed semi-auto rifle. But you might argue that an inexpensive one might not be available. Then you need to look at the inexpensive SKS Chinese import guns. For years there have been gunsmiths who cut off bolt handles and replace them. The SKS works on a open top bolt the handle can be cut off and rewedded on the other side. The rear dust cover would need to be reshaped to match the right side and you would have a very fine left handed gun. They also sell a new safety release that can be used for the left hand. By saving the right handed bolt and using a aftermarket part then you can make the gun right handed again if you should ever decide to sell it and get top dollar. You can also take in an aftermarket bolt and not the whole gun for the repair this should keep you off of any lists. This weld would need to be preformed by an experienced gunsmith Richard W Norman
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps, over 70 titles to chose from www.firstpatriotpress.com
Monday, November 26, 2012
Going the Right Way
Political leaders
must be like a horse with a good bit and tight reins. The horse chosen as the
method of transportation is usually not important in going to a destination.
The most important thing to remember in achieving any goal is that the horse
you chose is headed in the right direction.
In Arabia, the Arabian horse is most prized
among the Bedouin. The story is told of the training of these horses. After a
colt is born it is well treated like the family pet. A bell is rung and the
horse is led to the master’s tent at the same time each day. Soon the horse
will come whenever the bell is rung. This proceeds continues in tell the horse is full
grown. The horse is then stabled in the hot sun for 3 or 4 days with no food or
water. On the last day the gate is opened and the horses head for the food and
water just before they get to the food and water the bell is rung. The horses that
neglect the bell are separated and sold as pack animals. You see if the rider
falls off in the desert he is wearing a bell around his neck and he rings the
bell and the horse will return to him. We are at the point that our politicians need to hear the people or be rejected by the people. Political recalls may be the wave of the future! Richard W Norman

If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below-- Bomb Shelter and Fall out Shelter All the designs were tested by the government and proved useful 1), 2) and 3) below each are the actual plans for home construction designed during the cold war. Eleven plans to chose from as well as Civil Defense manuals instructing you on how to survive nuclear war. Eleven shelter plans to chose from You can have them as e-books now as well as military and gun books over 70 titles to chose from. www.firstpatriotpress.com
Friday, November 23, 2012
Changing the World
We have no right to
ask why the world is not different if we ourselves will not make a difference.Richard W Norman
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Most gun malfunctions happen because people do not know how to take them apart and clean them. Below 1) SKS instruction manual 2) M1 Garand Instruction manual 3) M14 and M14A instruction manual with Bipod instructions. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Most gun malfunctions happen because people do not know how to take them apart and clean them. Below 1) SKS instruction manual 2) M1 Garand Instruction manual 3) M14 and M14A instruction manual with Bipod instructions. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Lead home made casting pot Magmaw 20 of 20
No I am not selling you the blueprints to make this pot you will see everything you will need to know on how to make this 90 lb lead melting pot on this site for free.
A small grinding stone in a an electric hand drill was used to remove the drill through burs and welding splatter by the drain hole above. The 1/4 20 1 inch bolt in the tower needs a jam nut I know I have one somewhere and will eventual find one and install it. the 10 / 32 screws also need a jam nut and to be cut off.
All I need now is the electrical parts and to burn off the zinc coating on the drain rod as it will turn into a poison gas under high heat. I had to buy an additional $6 in screws so the grand total was $49.98. I paid to much for the 1/4 inch by 5&1/2 inch tall - 8 inch wide pipe for the pot but at the cost of gas I felt it was the best alternative. Scrap metal price for the pipe would have been around $2 so this pot to this point should have been $32. I will lay this project aside for now in tell I can find the lowest price for the heating rods and thermostat.
To see the construction from the beginning each post has a forward at the bottom so you can click it and carry you to the next post for this project To see the construction starting at the first post on making this pot click here.
P.S, Other helpful hints and gun products you can make at home can be seen on the side bar thanks for visiting the site.
Bullet alloy-- there are two diffident methods for getting alloy mentioned on this blog one is from wheel weights and the other is from a sail boat keels . This link will show a keel being cut up with a chain saw and melted in a Magma melting pot.
Yours truly Richard W Norman the Junk-Ologist.
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Modern Slavery
To become a slave is
not hard all we have to do is nothing and let someone else decide our future. Richard W Norman
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Foundation of Freedom
The foundation stone
of freedom is set firmly on the rock of virtue, temperance, honor, honesty and
brotherly kindness. When a nation moves away from these principles no nation or
people can long remain free. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Tactics Techniques and Concepts of Anti-armor Warfare historical training manual 2) KFM Fallout Radiation Meter Kit Instructions This is a home made fallout meter developed during the cold war. They knew the public could not get a meter in an emergence so this was designed so anyone could build one with stuff you had around the house.3) US Ammunition Price list from 1912. Not just a neat document but it includes bullet weights and black powder charges for many old cartridges. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Lead home made casting pot Magmaw 19 of 20
Making the drain-- This piece of steal was a road side pickup and was used on machinery so it is a very quality piece of metal. It is very tuff, yet not hardened.The chop saw blade paid a price for cutting it yet it was workable to a file using a grinder the spark test showed it to be nickle steal. You can not just look at a piece of metal and know what kind of steel it is. The best way to explain how to know the differences by the spark pattern from touching metal to a grinding wheel. This metal produced a small orange spark stream, telling me that it was nickel steel. Other spark patterns tell what other metals are. In my book I explain home gun production and emergency gun construction and repair.
Above the metal can be flattened with a file and the right side was high and so a circle was drawn and a file was used to remove some of the metal. I would work the metal in tell most of the mark was removed. Both sided were flattened with a file and finally the part was taken to a belt sander and held against the moving belt to finish the job on both sides. The large hole is for a center for a lathe for turning and I put it in there some years ago making a part for something else. Below I am countersinking for the 1/4 20 bolts and will do the same on both sides of the part. The large hole in the middle douse not go all the way through. A smaller hole with a #44 drill bit is preferred. The large hole will first be tried against the 1/4 inch drain. If it douse not prove functional the part will be flipped over and tried. If it douse not work I will make a new one. with a single #44 drill bit.
Note the 1 inch long 1/4 20 bolt in the tower below this will allow for the adjusting of the push rod drain rod so it will not pull to far out of the drain hole
Not the drain tip on the drain rod was done by hand against my bench grinder. In a shop this would have been a turning operation in a lathe. I have a lathe but did not use it.
Note the small hole finishing the job on the bullet casting drain plate above. If you are making ingots remove this drain plate. Richard W Norman To view next posts click
A Blog has the ability to up date material and even though time has passed and this is an old post I noticed that a lot of people will only view one page and move on. So it seemed practical to place a photo of the finished product on each post.
If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) AK47 operators manual all the army thought a soldier needed to know 2) Arasaka Rifle some of the history as well as information on some models you should not shoot 3) Gun Reloading Equipment a Buyers Guide the very least you would need to buy. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.com. No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!
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