Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Duty Cycle Using Electric Power Tools16 of 20 Lead Home Made Casting Pot Magmaw

  Duty cycle--To make a project like this lead casting pot or any project where so much of the success of the adventure rests completely on the tools you need to make something special out of your material --whether out of metal or wood. And the most important consideration for most of us is the large investment in electric tools and getting the most out of them and making them last. It would be well to explain power tools if someone does not or has not known the ins and outs of using them. This is not about safety or how to turn the tool off and on they come with manufactures information for that. Each electric power tool has what is called a duty cycle. This is the amount of time they can run and offer service. Many smaller hand power tools and some larger ones as well can only run for a given amount of time before they need to be shut off and allowed to cool. It does not matter if it is a drill press a hand drill, chop saw, bench grinder, or an electric welder. Covering electric motor driven tools first. Duty cycle can be determined several ways, one is by touch, and the other is by the amount of time the tool is used, or smell. The smell is a sure sign that you worked the power tool too long and you need to shut it down for a while-- you also have begun to lose some of the life of the tool. Your nose can also be used as a sensing devise beyond smell to sense the temperature of the air rising from the vent holes. In a national emergency in making products at home you could no longer buy or have access to, the shop crew might be inclined to over use some tools. This would be foolish as some tools would be irreplaceable and you would be reduced to making products by hand increasing production time by not only hours but in some cases days. Drills, grinders, power sanders, etc with plastic cases will give you a false sense of being cool because of the plastic case and the best determiner is the rise of heat through the ventilation holes. Also a good determiner is to find a main metal part like the metal casing near the drill chuck and touch it. If it is uncomfortable to the touch then set the tool down and let it cool. Steel cased motors and grinders should be shut off when they are uncomfortable to the touch of your hand. Some of these tools have no air ventilation like bench grinders where the dust from the grinding stone and metal filings would destroy the motor if it were not protected.
  Drag or increased pressure  on the tool will also reduce the duty cycle as the tool has to work harder it gets hotter faster. Light pressure like the shaping of the arch in the metal in the picture above will increase the duty cycle in your favor as the tool is not working as hard.    
The change of behavior of a power tool is a sure sign it need service. Sometimes it is no more than a good cleaning. Turn off the tool and unplug it. dissemble carefully, keeping track of where every thing goes, replace the grease, and put it back together.
  Time sensitive tools are welders for home use. Turn off the welder between welds to increase the duty cycle. An assistant would be most useful. Box 120 volt welders have a very low duty cycle 2 minutes and 30 seconds on high with a 7 minute 30 second down time. On low 4 minutes 30 seconds with a 5 minute 30 second down time. You can not glue metal together so losing such a tool would be disastrous in a crises situation.
 Recently my home polisher sander started giving me trouble on this project. I stopped immediately! The rear bearing failed. Had I of continued to push the tool it would have chewed up the worm gear cost of repair $2 +$7 shipping = $9.  The cost of a new sander polisher $80 or more, how long have I had this power tool about 34 years. The motor showed no signs of ever being overheated. It has been treated well since I have had it so it should last my lifetime. Yet this sander or any power tool, welder, chop saw, drill press, bench grinder, belt sander, etc. could be ruined in the hands of a careless worker in an afternoon. There are enough projects going on in the shop to keep you busy giving you time to let a power tool cool. You now know more about using electric tools than most people so you should enjoy your investments for years to come. Richard W Norman                                        To view next post click

A Blog has the ability to up date material and even though time has passed and this is an old post I noticed that a lot of people will only view one page and move on. So it seemed practical to place a photo of the finished product on each post.   

   If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Left below is a manual in surviving in the cold and fighting as well 2) Beretta and Taurus both made this side arm for the military this was the operators manual. 3) Freedom from War  The united States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This was presented as the plan for the disarmament of the USA by our own people in government to the UN. Everything that has been happening in America today hinged on this one document  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

Cold Weather Survival Soldier Handbook for Individual OperationsBeretta 92F series TaurusFreedom From War Publication 7277 US Program for Complete Disarmament\

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being Stuck With the Consequences of What We Do Not Do

Concerning our government we can avoid the reality of what is going on in Washington but we cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding the reality of what is going on in Washington. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Tactics Techniques and Concepts of Anti-armor Warfare historical training manual 2) KFM Fallout Radiation Meter Kit Instructions This is a home made fallout meter developed during the cold war. They knew the public could not get a meter in an emergence so this was designed so anyone could build one with stuff you had around the house.3) US Ammunition Price list from 1912. Not just a neat document but it includes bullet weights and black powder charges for many old cartridges.  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Anti-armor Infantry Tactics Techniques and ConceptsHomemade KFM Fallout Radiation Meter KitUS Ammunition Price List for 1912

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Black Powder Some of the Ins and Outs

Black Powder Some of the ins and outs. This post covers a number of different powder and is not a commercial for any given powder. Its main purpose is to allow the safe salvage of powder. Often partial cans of powder are available and this article will allow you to use them.   Goex’s Pinnacle powder is said to be created by heat-degrading ascorbic acid and was a black powder substitute that allowed up to 30 shots without swabbing out the barrel. Let us start with a short quote from an article by Randy Wakeman; who notes … “Earlier this year at Shot Show, Goex announced its new “Pinnacle” propellant to answer this growing trend. Hodgdon Pyrodex, long sold as a smokeless muzzle loader powder and used as a blasting compound, has been found to be one of the most caustic propellants that can be used. Pyrodex is worse than black powder insofar as corrosively and toxicity. Pyrodex contains perchlorate, found to cause serious health problems like thyroid damage and birth defects. Pyrodex also contains organic cyanide.”  Whether this health warning is true, who knows? And at what quantity of shooting would cause this, who knows? One study shows that orange juice caused cancer in lab rats! (Use normal black powder if your wife is pregnant if she shoots black powder with you.)
If Pinnacle was as good as he said little wonder they stopped making it. It is said Hodgdon sued Clean Shot for the infringement of the Pyrodex Technology and Clean shot went out of business so Pinnacle powder and Pyrodex may have some close manufacturing ties in the process that caused Goex to withdraw its Pinnacle powder from the market. Low sales has never been a reason to withdraw a grate product, if it was as good as he said. Some time it takes time for people to recognize a successful product.
   I would not throw my Pyrodex away just because of the health warning but it is a decent propellant and offers up to 30% more shots over normal black powder for each pound (according to the manufacture) which is significant. The neat thing about Pyrodex is that it loads volume for volume for black powder. So if you are using a dipper or other physical measuring systems it throws the same charge. If you are doing anything else then you need to refer to Pyrodex loading information for weight in grains. Pyrodex used in shell casings needs to be treated as soon as possible after firing. The shell casings are immersed in a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water for 10 minutes (this would seem to indicate that Pyrodex leaves a strong base residue and that the vinegar/water (acid/H2O) solution neutralizes the base). Soaking for a long time may cause etching and shorten case life according to the manufacture. Yet knowing that there is an alternative use of a propellant in other non-black powder guns is useful if there was ever an emergency.   
  It is said that Triple Se7en has a slower ignition, Pyrodex powder does too. In an article written in 1996 by Scot E. Mayre in American Rifleman suggested a pre-charge of a finer grain black powder first, followed by the charge of Pyrodex propellant. This solved all ills and allowed for immediate ignition, and the pre-charge of black powder being so small would not contribute significantly to powder fouling. Pyrodex suggests 5 grains of very fine black powder.
 Goex has been around since 1802 and produces premium black powder. You will also deal with fowling problems normally associated with regular black powder. Although black powder can cause a lot of extra problems associated with modern guns it would pay to store some information on black powder charges for shell casings (as you can make your own black powder at home and extract the potassium nitrate from the soil). Goex has charts on the Internet of loading data for many shell casings as well as loading data for muzzle loading and shot guns.  ( The web site will allow you to print the information which could prove useful in a day of trouble). Gathering this type of loading data could be important since as we mentioned black powder can be made at home, so can primers,  that leaves the projectile which is not a problem as any close fitting undersized scrap of round metal, bolt, or bar-stock can be wrapped in paper, tape, or cloth and make a bullet.
  Muzzle loading guns can have a real swing in velocity ratings with the same charge of black powder even if precisely weighed. A variance of 100 to 200 fps has been recorded by some writers. For most of us this would make little difference, as shooting is based on the fun we have with a given gun and investing in expensive bullet speed measuring equipment is not on the list of priorities. The other argument is that volume matching propellants is not accurate, like using the same dipper from black powder and then switching to measure Pyrodex will not offer the exact velocity, which is absolutely true. But when people talk about volume for volume it is nothing more than offering a safe black powder load with the same equipment. 

Description of above photo-- Above is a handmade bullet starter. The wood is from a lilac bush and carved with birds, vines and leaves by my daughter. The lilac is an extremely hard wood. A 9MM shell casing was drilled slightly after removing the primer. This created a pocket that the round ball could set in. A small piece of dowel rod was placed in the 9MM about 1/2 to 3/4 inch longer then the shell casing, and dented with a punch. On the long dowel rod is a 38 Cal. shell casing with the same type of pocket as seen on the 9MM.  One punch dent is visible -the others are not. Below the ball starter is a powder throw with varying sizes of powder tubes with grain markings. How the powder throw works—The powder of choice is chosen for the given gun the large tube is filled with powder and the cap is screwed on. The spring loaded lever at the right controls a trap door. With the appropriate charging tube chosen for the gun your finger is placed over the hole. The canister is turned upside down and the trap door lever is pushed and released. Returning the powder throw to the upright position, you will now have a measured charge.          

Use black powder only and not Pyrodex to set up your powder throw when using black powder loading tables. Most black powder throwing devices cannot be used as they are-- So what you will need is a powder scale or access to one, your powder of choice and the load selected. Many of the metal hand held throwing devices can be unscrewed and replaced with different sizes tubes, but they may not offer what you want; so use the closest one. The powder is measured in a scale and poured in the mouth of the metal or plastic tube and eyeballed and marked. The powder is dumped in a container, (measure several charges to confirm your mark) and the tube is cut off. File to clean up, put your finger over the hole in the tube, throw your first charge, and measure in the scale. Now test throw a few loads and check in the powder scale again. You can now throw a safe load every time in the field. (Using powder dippers at the shooting range changes everything and you will waste a lot of expensive powder.)
   If you have seen the old powder horns the powder was dumped in the hand and probably gaged by eye and if you dumped too much you probably got rid of the excess with a blow of air from the lips. Black powder is more susceptible to humidity and weather conditions then some other propellants. But even in reloading metallic cases, with modern smokeless propellants, there is a difference depending on the day, humidity and yes even temperature as to how your reloads shoot if you use a chronograph; or at least those who have one will tell you. Even factory ammo is affected by these problems. To me this is splitting hairs! The other argument about the slight difference in volume for volume black powder propellant size, from manufacture to manufacture. Again there is a small differ in physical size of the granules, here again this is splitting hairs! There are some historical notes that good quality reliable black powders were not consistently had until the propellant was mass produced with consistent proportions and granule size, and polishing the finished product in rotating wooden barrels. This brings us back to where we were black powder shooting in the early days was not an exact science. A powder throw is the best device to use in the field and yes there will probably be a foot per second (fps) difference if you go from one powder manufacture to another. Yet if you want a consistent reliable form of shooting you would not want a black powder gun. The allure of black powder shooting is to work with its limitations and do something fantastic with them. But do not think you will be too limited, modern black powder and its substitutes are good stuff and the black powder gun you own is far superior to anything the average frontiersman had to shoot. It takes tenacity to shoot the “old smoking fire sticks, fire breathing smoking monsters, soot burners, or cumulus cloud makers” as some call them, yet it is a window in time a piece of history.
   When I got my 54 caliber kit to build my muzzle loader the man at the gun shop told me to finish the gun -- put in a double charge of black powder -- and two round balls tuck the stock in an old car tire and string-fire the thing. To which I said “you are kidding, right!” He said that was how it has been done for hundreds of years and that if the barrel held then it would take any suggested factory load and projectile offered. Looking at the history of the guns that is just how they were tested only a fuse was used to keep from losing the stock. In actuality the steal in modern black powder guns is better today, so your replica gun is stronger. The old guns were made out of flat iron strips beaten around a solid metal pole shaft. The steel, if you can call it that, as to its poor quality compared to today standards was heated to the melting point and then hammer struck on an anvil a few inches at a time. Again the flat iron was hammer welded and finally the finished steel rod was bored out and rifled. This took about two weeks. The quality check was described above with a double charge of powder and two round balls. If the barrel exploded it would take another two weeks to make the next one. The modern black powder barrel is a solid piece of steal, and this along with better refined metal, account for the extra strength.
   This can then explain why many books and manuals mention powder charges are safe depending on the condition of the gun. Some guns made in the 1800’s were well cared for and still shoot today. On the other hand some new production guns made a year ago are corroded because some lazy fellow shot it and took it home and never cleaned it. In that case the strength of the barrel could have been compromised. Care and immediate cleaning is the life’s blood of a muzzle loader shooter. If you let a barrel rust up there is no telling how much strength you lost. Good gun care is the key to having a muzzle loader or any gun.
   Looking back I do not know if the double charge double ball test was entirely necessary now ‘a days. Yet if for no other reason than to follow tradition and make sure my weapon was reliable in whatever ammo and load I selected. I guess you could say it gives peace of mind; for I will never load it like that again. In the book Hatchers Notebook, WWI Odense officer J. Hatcher turned down the barrel of a 1903 Springfield until it was almost nothing and it still held together. Gun barrel diameter is generally oversized in designed for strength, beyond what is fired in them, because if they were not then black powder gun manufactures as well as black powder makers would have to make some real adjustments. I think this accounts for the general lenience in black powder loading instructions. Yet some would call it down right negligent of the manufactures and powder makers. It would be easier if there was a standard set of measurements for black powder shooting. But that does not mean that what is offered is not safe, it only means that what is offered is within the pressure standards of the guns involved.                         
    As a re-loader I am not scared away by old powders and use what I can get my hands on if it is a good deal. Elephant black powder was said to have closed down in 2011. But black powder is black powder so the Goex loading data should be useful if you came across an old can of off-brand “X” black powder. Only make sure that it loads volume for volume. In starting this article it was mentioned that Goex Pinnacle powder was said to be non-fowling propellant that allowed for up to 30 shots before having to swab out the barrel. I haven’t used this one yet but this sounds like an excellent storage product that has brought muzzleloading into the next century. Too bad they have stopped the line. In an emergency however, it would be imperative to know how to use the original black powder. If all you had used was the new stuff the transition could be costly. What we will be making (at least at first), would be homemade black powder. 

   Transition powders 

Propellants that should not be used in any gun. Found powders in old attics and basements that could destroy any gun (even a normal smokes powder guns) because many of these powders have degraded in time or even in their original condition were verging on unsafe when the powder was made. Some of these were made by drying nitroglycerin on cotton and some with other chemical compounds making some of the first smokeless powders. Many of these made their first showing as substitutes for black powder. Even with the loading data these products should be discarded. The can on the other hand  should be emptied and kept as a collectible if you feel you can safely open it otherwise just call the city you live in and ask them about hazardous material disposal sites. Its not worth blowing your hands off for the can if the top will not come off. Since many propellants are nitrogen based they make good fertilizer on your lawn. The list of powders not to use in your gun are--!
Balistic Powder
Brown Powder
Bulk Powder
Coopalls Powder
Dense Powder
Du Pont Bulk Smokeless
Kings Semi-Smokeless
Schultz Powder
Never use a smokeless propellant in a muzzle loader! Just because a powder is black in color does not make it black powder1

 Useful information for using older powders you might find or  buy as a bargain.
 Some companies are out of business but others are not.     
  Pyrodex has been around for about 33 years and measures with the same powder throw as you would use for normal black powder, in other words volume for volume.          
Pyrodex   and normal Black Powder
             =                   FFFFG   For flint lock pans and pre charge
     P      =                     FFFG   For small caliber pistols and rifles     
     RS    =                       FFG    For large caliber rifles and shot guns
     Select-- is  a match grade powder of Pyrodex comparable to RS
     CTG-- is Pyrodex for black powder shot shells and big bore cartridges

Black powder and Pyrodex is measured volume for volume and must not be hard packed or you could have a compression ignition. They are impact sensitive!

   Pyrodex and black powder have about the same smoke production and about the same smell and both are about as susceptible to ignition with a drop or shock. Pyrodex fowls less than black powder but you must clean the gun and shell casings immediately after firing. The cleaning solution for the gun: hot soapy water, use a blow dryer, and coat the barrel with a lubricant.
Pyrodex is slower on ignition especially in cold weather (use a 5 grain pre-charge of black powder before throwing the charge) hotter caps will also help without the pre charge.

Black Canon powder works only on a weight for weight bases. The granules are really big and you must tap it with your ramrod a few times to settle it into position so as not to have voids. The number of shots from a pound is equal to black powder. This is considered a non-corrosive propellant with little fouling. Lightly lube (grease) the bullet. Clean up with water use a blow dryer coat the barrel with a lubricant. Given that the Black Canon granules are larger the ram rod may not settle to its normal mark when the ball is seated
Black Mag2: minimal fouling, non-corrosive, works only on a weight for weight bases.
Black Magic 3 has an ascorbic acid base, and said to be a non-corrosive propellant. Clean with water use a blow dryer and oil the bore for storage. -This oil must be removed out of the boor before firing. You do not have to swab the bore while firing and it is an eases ignition propellant.

Triple Se7en volume for volume for loose propellants (granules) will work fine according to the manufacture but to duplicate a black powder load for fps decrease the charge by 15%, water cleanup. For shell cases do not reload shell casings that are not on their loading list. For shell casing on the list the base of the bullet should just touch the propellant with no air space compression should not exceed 0.100 The filler wads can cause a dangerous situation apparently a pressure spike, though they list one acceptable wad thickness exception I would suggest not using them at all. For revolvers or shell casings do not use fillers like dry grits, Malt-O- Meal, Dacron, etc. As with Pyrodex in cleaning the shell casing, soak the shell casings for 10 minutes in 50% white vinegar and 50% water.   

American Pioneer propellants, and Jim Shockey’s Gold propellants Manufactures instructions-- loading  volume for volume for loose propellants. This powder creates its own water and has minimal fowling -no lubricant is needed and using a lubricant can cause fowling, so load dry. Shell casings are loaded so they compress the charge only 1/16 of an inch. Do not use a filler or greased wads or patches. The bullet on the shell casing should be crimped. (I am supposing that they are referring to copper jacketed bullets. Led bullets are not crimped because it strips off the soft led and causes barrel leading). While in the field after shooting they claim that two or three wet patches make the gun clean. If you lube the bore, clean before you shoot again, as the oil residue can cause fowling. On the pre-formed sticks have the same characteristics just mentioned except load the small end first, the bore diameter will shave off the edges (a square peg in a round hole).
   Golden Powder Company (out of business). The product was said to be a black powder substitute made from ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 40%, and potassium nitrate 60%. The heat generated is 5% greater than black powder and the pressure is 10% higher, so cut charge weight by 10%. In an emergency do not try to make this propellant as the vitamin C is more valuable for human consumption even if it is expired.
   In an emergency this capitulated information could prove useful in using partial cans of propellant. Muzzle loaders are not toys and still formidable weapons. Using Conical Balls or Minnie Balls there is still a 75% amputation rate for any limb hit; even if the best medical help is available immediately. If there was ever a war these black powder pistols and especially the long guns would be most useful mixed in with modern weapons. Currently you can own a sawed-off black powder stage coach shotgun gun with no extra permits and without registration. If it were loaded with slugs or buckshot it would be an awesome weapon. To see my book click my name  Richard W Norman   

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Tactics Techniques and Concepts of Anti-armor Warfare historical training manual 2) KFM Fallout Radiation Meter Kit Instructions This is a home made fallout meter developed during the cold war. They knew the public could not get a meter in an emergence so this was designed so anyone could build one with stuff you had around the house.3) US Ammunition Price list from 1912. Not just a neat document but it includes bullet weights and black powder charges for many old cartridges.  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Anti-armor Infantry Tactics Techniques and ConceptsHomemade KFM Fallout Radiation Meter KitUS Ammunition Price List for 1912

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lead home made casting pot Magmaw 15 of 20

Scavenging products that you need very little of offers some tremendous advantages. First you do not have to invest in a large quantity of what ever it is to accomplish your goal. Second you do not have to store the remainder and a role of fiberglass is big. In the case of this insulation I only needed a small amount of the stuff and the only other option was to buy a whole role . In like manner metal salvage offers the same advantages. A product of value no matter how small it is still is a product of value if it can be placed in the proper application. Scavenging offers a way to accomplish seemingly expensive projects for free or at a fraction of the estimated cost. 99.9999% of the time when you ask for the discard the person you ask will give it to you for free. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that the wife will be pleasantly pleased when she looks you in the eye and asks "How much did that cost?". As we do other projects on this blog in the future keep in mind that they are inexpensive or free because of scavenging.  
Repacking Insulation-- I mentioned earlier that I wasn't happy with the amount of insulation for this project. I finally found a job site next to the grocery store where we shop and asked a worker for some sticking out of the dumpster A small plastic grocery bag full was more than enough.  Above a piece of cardboard will act as a slide and insulation will be forced toward the back. Air space is critical so I will only put in a clump twice the size of the cavity

A long screw driver will push it into the back corner and the cardboard was removed.

A Blog has the ability to up date material and even though time has passed and this is an old post I noticed that a lot of people will only view one page and move on. So it seemed practical to place a photo of the finished product on each post.   

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Developed in a simpler time Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack 2) Because of surplus import back stock military ammo that rusts gun barrels with corrosive primers this manual was written. How to clean the gun and stop the attack on your gun. 3) Gun Control and ammo and gun storage and burial To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here . No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack TC23-44How to Clean Gun after Corrosive AmmoGun Control and Gun and Ammo Storage and Burial

Friday, October 26, 2012

Destroying a Nation

A sure course to the destruction of a nation-- take what you did not earn, enjoy what you are undeserving of, claim rights you do not have a right to and be indignant when you do not get what you want. Richard W Norman  

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun.3) Salvaging old used brass and how to bring it into a usable condition. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! 
All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalCleaning and Polishing Brass:Handbook

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lead home made casting pot Magmaw 14 of 20

Front cover-- This was about the same as making the case The top crease and 90 degree bind was from the auto fender. The other bends were only possible to this point with the metal brake as the upper and lower bends were in the way and was finished shaped with a auto body hammer and a chunk of iron some call a dolly. These side bends would not have been as pretty without the pre- bend from the metal brake.  
 (Knock Out) KO Punch for 1/2 inch hole but it could have been completed with a drill and a rat tale file. Investing in such a tool for one time use is foolishness  Too many people wast their money on things they do not need or will not use more than one time. But it is nice to know that such tools exist!
The paint had to be removed for fear it would catch fire. In a normal project it would have been roughed up and left like a primer. The front cover was aligned and pre-drilled for the side connecting screws and the dissembled for paint. Do not use a primer for this project only the high heat paint.

The corners were welded with my 120 volt box wire welder and lightly cleaned up with my hand grinder. The high heat paint was applied. This paint is the same that is used for barbecue grills and is probably cheaper at K mart or Wall Mart. The metal piece that goes in the hole is called a Romex connector and is found in the electrical department at the lumber yard. 

This pot needs the four 1/2 inch bolts that will act as its legs  but other than that, at this point this would be a most usable smelter to clean led scrap and wheal weights in without the drain by using a dipper. But I want the drain!!! To view next post click on this project click here. To see my book click my name

A Blog has the ability to up date material and even though time has passed and this is an old post I noticed that a lot of people will only view one page and move on. So it seemed practical to place a photo of the finished product on each post.   

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Political correctness

“Political correctness is tyranny with manners” Charlton Hesston  

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) Home mad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun. 3) Black Powder Arms in Modern Application in a time of desperation you may need to use a black powder gun because you cannot get anything better better covers everything including powder production and salvaging potassium nitrate from dirt, loading, etc . To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
Building the Sheet Metal BrakeBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalBlack Powder Arms in Modern Application

Monday, October 22, 2012

Do Something

“Glory is fleeting but obscurity is forever”, (Napoleon Bonaparte) Dare we be among the obscure when our country needs saving. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps, over 70 titles to chose from

All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBullet Casting: A War Time Resistance GuideBooby Traps

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lead home made casting pot Magmaw 13 of 20

Welding --These fine welds were preformed with a 120 Volt box welder from Harbor Freight the photos are self explanatory. The heaver welds on the pot and larger metal were preformed by my Lincoln 240 volt stick welder. Muffler patch was used to fill in imperfections before painting with high heat paint. 
The pot was wiped down with lacquer thinner to prepare for paint.Auto body filler is the usual product used but in this case it would not take the heat so muffler patch was used.
In the end I wish I would have used the muffler patch more sparingly  as there was some long term shrinking problems. But I would still use the muffler patch as it gave a better finish.

If I would have used the thin wall pipe I shaped in the beginning this project without the couplings would have been $15.07 with the couplings it would have been $21.07. Since I wanted a better pipe part (1/4 inch 5&1/2 inches tall X 8 inch) pipe  for the pot I spent an additional $19 + $3.99  for high heat paint Grand total to here  $43.97. Where I used to live I was better at scrounging, this project would have only been a few dollars. I took my time on making the top welds and making a nice corner. I was a little less particular on the bottom welds. To view next post click

A Blog has the ability to up date material and even though time has passed and this is an old post I noticed that a lot of people will only view one page and move on. So it seemed practical to place a photo of the finished product on each post.   

 Richard W Norman 

If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below-- Bomb Shelter and Fall out Shelter All the designs were tested by the government and proved useful 1), 2) and 3) below each are the actual plans for home construction designed during the cold war. Eleven plans to chose from as well as Civil Defense manuals instructing you on how to survive nuclear war. Eleven  shelter plans to chose from  You can have them as e-books now as well as military and gun books over 70 titles to chose from.
Basement Concrete Block ShelterBelowground Clay Masonry Fallout Shelter PlansFamily Fallout Shelter

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Being Offended at the Wrongs of the World is OK

Moral indignation is a special quality of the most noteworthy of men. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Most gun malfunctions happen because people do not know how to take them apart and clean them. Below 1) SKS instruction manual 2) M1 Garand Instruction manual 3) M14 and M14A instruction manual with Bipod instructions. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
SKS Simonov Rifle Type 56M1 Garand caliber 30M14 Rifle- M14A1 Rifle- Bipod M2 Rifle