223 Rifles the US Government Destruction of- - The magic bullet refers to
a successful product. Well the 556 bullet is a magic bullet to destroy civilian
rifles. It looks the same as a 223 bullet in every way except it has a heaver
powder charge. In a gun barrel there is a section called the throat if it were
not in the gun, guns would eventually blow up. When the gun is fired the bullet
has an unobstructed aria in the throat to move forward. This gives the bullet
time to engrave in the riffling and continue forward. What they did was to
chamber 556 guns with a longer throat. When that gun is fired there is for a mille
second more case room so there is no pressure spike. On the other hand when a
556 bullet is fired in a 223 rifle the bullet only goes to the edge of the
shorter throat and acts like an obstruction creating higher chamber pressure
and the gun will in a short time blow up. The US Government agency SAAMI Sporting
Arms and Ammunition Manufactures Institute could have fixed this long ago but
had no intention to do so. Look on your gun barrel if it does not say 223 – 5.56,
or 223 wild do not use 5.56 ammo in that gun. If you want to know what is coming "American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom" It is worth the investment it took me over 15 years to write it!

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