Saturday, December 17, 2016

How Much Ammo to Carry in an Emergency

Historical note how much ammo to carry in an emergency - - In the battle for Okinawa WWII some US solders thought that the amount of ammo they carried was more important than there gear one historical note said 350 rounds of 30/06 equaled what would be missing in back pack weight. These solders figured that there would be lots of backpacks that could be scavenged from the dead for what they needed. Solders with a full pack with their gear many would carry 100 to 150 (30/06) bullets. In more modern times the 308 bullet and a full back pack depending on the man’s strength, was said to be 150 to 200 bullets; presently 223 or 5.56 bullets would allow for the carry of 250 to 300 bullets. The real trick to know how much ammo to carry is exclusively limited to a man’s strength and what will not limit his mobility.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Anonymous - Chasing Edward Snowden Full Documentary

Edward Snowden must not be forgotten some of the basic tenants of our US republic is the fact that we are secure in our person, documents, and property. The NSA had created a monster spying on every cell phone, computer, e-mail, text, tweet, and conversation you make. Taking his life in his hand, as well as his freedom he began a march into personal oblivion. He leaked no information to foreign powers, he sold no secrets for personal enrichment. What he did do was to state in essence that the information being gathered in some future day could in the hands of a tyrant tip the scales and be used to oppress US citizens. Is that treason, not hardly, but those who would oppress us call it just that.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

US Government destroy civilian 223 rifles

223 Rifles the US Government Destruction of- - The magic bullet refers to a successful product. Well the 556 bullet is a magic bullet to destroy civilian rifles. It looks the same as a 223 bullet in every way except it has a heaver powder charge. In a gun barrel there is a section called the throat if it were not in the gun, guns would eventually blow up. When the gun is fired the bullet has an unobstructed aria in the throat to move forward. This gives the bullet time to engrave in the riffling and continue forward. What they did was to chamber 556 guns with a longer throat. When that gun is fired there is for a mille second more case room so there is no pressure spike. On the other hand when a 556 bullet is fired in a 223 rifle the bullet only goes to the edge of the shorter throat and acts like an obstruction creating higher chamber pressure and the gun will in a short time blow up. The US Government agency SAAMI Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufactures Institute could have fixed this long ago but had no intention to do so. Look on your gun barrel if it does not say 223 – 5.56, or 223 wild do not use 5.56 ammo in that gun.   If you want to know what is coming "American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom" It is worth the investment it took me over 15 years to write it!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

US Disarmament

Long range goals for national disarmament go back decades. 308 ammo also called 7.62 X 51 was made a work horse in NATO military guns before the advent of 223 small arms ammo and it is still prevalent in machine gun ammo for the US. 308 Civilian ammo problem is that the chamber pressure is about 20,000 pounds hotter than the military 308. Loading this ammo needs to match the military standard. In a war feeding civilian ammo into these military guns will surely disable these guns in a short time. The day to day long term use of this very hot civilian ammo in civilian guns will surely eventually also lead to the failure of some of the older guns made out of poorer metal. Here again I do not think this was any type of accident. The US Government agency  SAAMI Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufactures Institute could have fixed this long ago. There are 34 military rifles that shoot 308 ammo and many people do not know what the end result will be from firing day in and day out this high powered civilian ammo. Parts will bend, receivers and bolts will fail. Feeding civilian ammo in a modern US machine gun in an emergency will eventually destroy the gun Who said they have not figured this out in advance.