Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Day 1815

During the War of 1812 fighting the British (1812 is the name of the war) the fledgling American nations capital was burned and the British were boasting as to how little use the American militia was. Three miracles occurred one was when the British had left the Capital in triumph or so they thought God in all his wisdom did battle for us and sent several tornadoes through the unprotected British lines and they were left in ruin, little able to continue their march of terror.
  The second was that the nation did not prepare for defending the Grate Lakes So Oliver Hazard Perry was given an assignment to build a fleet on the shore of lake Erie and attacked the British. Perry having a shortage of canons built turrets so the canons could be turned from one side of the ship to the other. His ship took on the largest of the British ships and gave as good as he got but Perry's  ship was turned into a pile of splinters. With an unconquerable spirit he climbed into a rowboat and went to another of his ships whose captain did not do a close engagement of the enemy as ordered and Perry took command and attacked again finishing off the second largest British ship. Other American slower gun boats caught up and began firing on the remaining ships. The entire British fleet surrendered!  This victory allowed us to begin to recapture towns and villages that were taken and left us in to take command of the other Great Lakes as well.    
At the other end of the continent New Years 1815 proved as equally miraculous  as civilian troops began to form not regular army but militia knowing little why, they gathered like homing pigeons - men began to congregate to the city of New Orleans coming from as far as Kentucky. Andrew Jackson who would be a future president of this nation took leadership of some 4000 men in a battle that was Biblical in the form of being miraculous. Jan. 7, 1815 the well equipped British attacked with 10,000 men and Jackson's boys--militia using civilian arms and a few canons would beet the British. The British losses were over 2000 men American losses 13.
  At this new years let us remember that when we were a moral and good people that God preserved this nation when the odds were stacked against us. Richard W. Norman

 If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Developed in a simpler time Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack 2) Because of surplus import back stock military ammo that rusts gun barrels with corrosive primers this manual was written. How to clean the gun and stop the attack on your gun. 3) Gun Control and ammo and gun storage and burial To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here . No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack TC23-44How to Clean Gun after Corrosive AmmoGun Control and Gun and Ammo Storage and Burial     

Friday, December 20, 2013

War Hammer

When we think of weapons of war we sometimes look at the more modern weapons we are more familiar with. The war hammer we are most familiar with was in the mid evil time and was for the most part a three part device. One part of the head was blunt the other was pointed and would maim and the handle was a spike and could be used like a spear.
Usually a king would have a man with him who could use a war hammer when he went out of the castle and he could call upon the man to use it and even make a decision as to how it would be thrown. If the king called for the handle the king wanted the person killed, if the king called for the spike he wanted the person injured and if he called for the blunt he wanted the person stopped. The man using the hammer did this work by controlling the rotation upon release. The long handle allowed the user to carry a hammer with a lighter head but the longer handle would amplify the energy. The movies seldom if ever portrays the war hammer and we are accustom to seeing the spear, the lance, the ax the mace, yet in its earlier roots it probably was the blacksmith who used the original hammer in war as he had grown accustom to the feel in his hand and had passed out all the swords he had made to anyone who could carry one.
The two pictures above are from I am not acting as a sponsor and receive no royalties from mentioning the site I am simply accrediting the art wirk
  Most shields have a double holding device one you slide the arm through and the other one is a hand hold you hold with your closed fist. By calculating the position of the arm a blow with the blacksmith hammer would brake your opponents left arm and send him into shock and this would allow you to push the sword arm away with you shield. The next blow would be a head blow and you could then move on to the next man and repeat the processes. Though Thor is called the god of war with his mighty hammer, it is highly likely that such a legend had its roots as a blacksmith used his hammer in war.

  Richard W Norman       
       If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

   Combat Handgun Tactics Building the Sheet Metal BrakeM16 Rifle Manual of Operation for 5.56mm

Monday, December 16, 2013


No one ever has to point a finger at a honorable person-- a guilty conscience is the best accuser. The man we must point at are those with no conscience. Richard W Norman 

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Obama Review

Just so you know in Russia and Nazi Germany the pre-preparation for national disarmament required a lot of failed bills placed before their governments. This was not a wast of time nor were they failures. When the hammer fell they simply amassed all the failed bills and past them all at one time. This allowed these governments to permanently entomb their people in prison work and death camps. However no one lived long enough to finish their sentence.     

Historical Review 
On July 30th, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation that would impose sweeping new--and not so new--restrictions on ammunition sales.

The bills, S. 3458 and H.R. 6241, are known as the “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act.”  The bill itself has four elements: (1) A federal licensing requirement for ammunition sellers; (2) Recordkeeping on all ammunition sales; (3) Reporting of all sales of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to anyone without a federal firearms license within five consecutive business days; and (4) A photo identification requirement for all non-licensees buying ammunition, “effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by regular civilians.”

The two lawmakers’ contempt for “regular civilians” is nothing new, and neither are the first two of the requirements they propose. Starting in 1968, ammunition dealers had to have licenses from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and also had to keep records of purchasers. The recordkeeping requirement on .22 caliber rimfire ammunition was so burdensome that it was repealed in 1982. Congress did away with the remaining licensing and recordkeeping provisions as part of the "Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986" after the BATF itself said the restrictions had “no substantial law enforcement value.”

If they pass laws against guns and ammo you will either make what you need at home or do without. In my book I discus reloading 22 ammo along with powder and primer making and a host of valuable information  on powder primers gun repair and construction.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


The trusted friend to the devil is a man or woman who will do nothing in a time of trial. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Obama Revirw

Wayne La Pierre of the NRA Noted in an interview August 12, 2012 shown on AFF that he had totaled the gun laws on the books that could be used to prosecute some one and it came to be 275 years and under Obama the US attorney has had the lowest prosecution rate and they chose to not prosecute. Wayne notes that we have not only dishonesty in politics with agendas but also the media is working under the same agenda and dishonesty is the rule of the day in Washington and the press. 
    Freedom of the press can not include freedom to lie! Neither is it politically acceptable for our leaders!  Richard W. Norman

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Squib Loads

Recently while at the dentist the lady cleaning my teeth was talking to her assistant about her husband bulging the barrel on his hand gun. (I spoke up and said that the gun shop owed him a gun and she said the gun shop fixed his old gun but it took over a year) Ammo has been at such a high price now that some gun shops are tempted to sell ammo they got in trade. She said her husband asked if the ammo was someones re-loads and the gun shop owner said "NO"! Going to the range he was not paying attention to the sound of the gun and the shell casing was empty as far as powder goes. The primer has just enough kick to drive the bullet into the barrel and the next shot fired bulged the barrel, and sometimes blows up the hand gun. ( And will blow up a rifle!)
  If you are buying ammo in old boxes, look at the shell casings for sizing marks factory ammo is many times sized by rollers and have no sizing marks. If you see sizing marks the ammo should be bought as components at a cheaper price and the bullet pulled the powder discarded and the primer fired in your gun and replaced (a magnum primer with the wrong loading data can also blow up a gun with a pressure spike). With the powder and primer replaced this will assure a good safer bullet and insure your safety. 
Richard W Norman

If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The most Valuable Possessions

People who scoff and scorn virtue, uprightness, loyalty, fidelity in marriage, and truthfulness sold their integrity too cheaply. Richard W Norman 

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Obama Review 2

From a speech given by Lou Pritchett April 15, 2012 

"I was born in year two of the Great Depression (1931) and spent the first 10 years of my life, influenced by the extreme hardships of the depression. --By today’s standards my family was about a mile below today’s so called ‘poverty level’; but if you never ‘had’ - - doing without was not so ‘bad’. Borrowing shoes to graduate from the 8th grade didn’t seem at all demeaning because most of the 8th graders did the same thing. 

In June 1944, my only brother, Joe, was killed in action on Utah Beach in Normandy, France during the D-Day landings. Exactly one year later, my father died and left me, my mother, and my sister to go it alone - - and alone we went. My mother went to work at a department store, my sister dropped out of school and joined her, and I went to work shining shoes on the streets of Memphis for a dime a shine. Government assistance was not available, and if it were, I am confident my mother would have refused it, because she never wanted the government involved in our lives. 

I mention this bit of personal history to help you understand that millions of Americans, including your parents and grandparents, grew up like me during the Great Depression and never expected nor wanted the government to offer them anything other than an opportunity - - and now to see what Obama is trying to do to our country tends to make you crazy. 

As some of you know, my “Scare Me" letter went viral with millions of hits on the internet during the past 3 years. I have now written a follow-up letter, which I will now share with you. 

To the editors: 

"In April 2009, I sent President Obama and the New York Times a letter titled "You Scare Me" because, as a candidate, he promised to "fundamentally transform America ." Now, after observing his performance for over three years, he no longer scares me - - he terrifies me for the following reasons: 

FIRST: He has done more to damage America 's standing in the world, to lower 
the standard of living in America, to impoverish future generations, and to shake our faith in the country's future than any other American president in history. 

SECOND: With a compliant Democrat congress, a lapdog media, and a weak, 
almost nonexistent Republican opposition, he has shattered the American dream of job security, home ownership, and rugged individualism for millions of Americans and has poisoned and divided our civil society with his politics of envy, class warfare, race warfare, and religious warfare - - which he is using as fundamental building blocks for his 'socialist' agenda. 

THIRD: Culturally, he remains totally out of touch with traditional American 
values. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or where he was born, rather it has everything to do with where, how and with whom he was raised, schooled, educated, trained, and associates with - - still today. 

FOURTH: He has surrounded himself with naive academicians, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and socialist leaning czars who arrogantly think and behave exactly as he does. People who offer no balanced suggestions, or devil’s advocate positions, and think in lock step with him that big government is the answer to all our problems. 

FIFTH: He not only encourages, but aids and abets the unionization of all American industry, the albatross around the neck of the free market. In turn, they provide the money and muscle to intimidate his opponents. 

SIXTH: He has increased the national debt by over 30% in just three years. If re-elected, and this rate of increase continues, America will be burdened with an unsustainable 20 trillion dollar debt which will result in the country's financial death. Recovery will be impossible - -America will be the Greece of 2016. 

SEVENTH: Given his fanatical beholding to the 'environmental' and 'man-caused global warming' fringe, he has deliberately discouraged U.S. fossil fuel exploration and production, while wasting billions of tax payer dollars on solar, wind, and algae experiments. He refuses to accept that oil, gas, and coal are not America’s enemies, they are America’s assets - - which, properly managed, could make us energy independent within a generation. 

EIGHTH: He views the U.S. as a power in retreat which abused its World dominance. Therefore, he systematically apologizes round the world. This past March, he whispered to Russian President Medvedev - - "This is my last election. After my election, I will have more flexibility". Just what is the secret that Obama and Putin are concealing from the American people until after the election? With what other leaders has he made similar secret agreements? 

NINTH: And finally, after all his miss-steps, bad decision-making, poor management, and zero leadership, the fact that he has the audacity to seek 
re-election should terrify every American. 

I predict that if re-elected, future historians and political interpreters will look back at the eight-year period 2008-2016, and conclude "the 44 th President of the U.S. allowed the takers to overpower the payers, which resulted in the greatest economy in history vanishing from the face of the Earth". Farewell America, the World will really miss you!!" 

Lou Pritchett April 15, 2012 

It is my hope and prayer that this letter will also go viral and serve as a 'wake up' call to Americans of all political leaning - - convincing them that never before in U.S. history has so much depended on Americans understanding that we are facing one of the greatest crises in U.S. history. Convincing them that this election will be won not by letters to the editor, political speeches, or radio and TV sound bites. 

No!! It will be won by those with a conviction, with a belief, and with a willingness to pay the price in helping put the most enlightened voters in the polling booth on November 6. 

Let me end on my favorite quote - - which I think is very appropriate for each of us today: 


Those words spoken by Winston Churchill over 70 years ago are very appropriate for all Americans today. END

We Need to look at the specific attack on America
Richard W. Norman

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Iron Dome

Star wars defense system was a concept set up years ago by president Ronald Reagan though it was a futuristic goal it scared the pants off of the Russians and they wanted treaties to stop it. Some socialists in Washington were more concerned in making us vulnerable rather than making us secure.  So Russia and China wanted to do anything to stop us from making their nuclear arsenals obsolete to keep us from pursuing the Star Wars initiative. In Israel today Star Wars is here! Many Arab extremest groups have been showering Israel with rockets for decades 15,000 over the last 11 years  and over 1500 just in November 2012 alone  The lack of interest from Washington in providing Star Wars defense is astounding as some in politics over the last few decades have not only given aid and comfort to the enemy but supported treaties that would dismantle any hope of creating Stat Wars defense. 
   In rocket attacks on Israel today 85% of the incoming rockets are intercepted  This leaves 15%, yet these should not be considered a miss. The window from the time of an Arab rocket launch to impact on a Jewish city is 15 seconds during that time the Israelite ground unit determines the impact aria. If the rocket is to miss and fall into an open field then the Jews do not wast a rocket So this should really not be considered a miss. Washington is spending money on helping the people of Israel develop the system to placate us the voters at home but do not expect our elected officials to implement it as a nuclear deterrent. After all doing the right thing for the right reason has never stopped our politicians from doing the exact opposite. Israel has a Iron Dome missile system whose science and research budget is far less then ours and they have wasted no effort making their people safe. Yet our government has wasted every effort purposefully to insure we stay vulnerable. Is that what you call Iron Dumb? Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Little Fun

The ability to play is critical to the longevity of our youthfulness. We grow old because we have forgotten how to play. We are allowed short periods of rest and relaxation to recharge, to refresh but God never intended us to have an endless vacation. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bodies Human, But Are We

File:Bodies Exhibition.jpg
Poster from Wikipedia  file 18 Sept 2008
This exhibit has come and gone long ago but continues to be seen in the country from time to time and  represented the degeneracy of people as they went to spend their money $20 for an adult and $15 for a child on looking at executed political prisoners from China  that were  turned into art. In the first year that the exhibit occurred in Feb 20/20 aired the fact that the people involved were executed political prisoners.  People wanting freedom we take for granted. It is highly likely that the women were impregnated in captivity (raped by prison guards) and checked by doctors for the gestation period of the fetus and then executed at different stages The tragedy is the fact that the corps was turned into a non person, a thing to display, and those seeing it were neglecting the fact that this was a real person who had given his life hoping for freedom and was cheated out of not only life but dignity and even used in his death as a thing useful for the country that had robed him or her of his life liberty and the pursuit of happiness  How many Americans went home the night after seeing the exhibit without even thinking and went right off to sleep. They got up the next morning and went to work and stood around the water cooler and talked of the novelty, and interesting aspects of the display. Maybe they had not stopped to think that they had just walked through a concentration camp execution as real as any that had ever occurred in Russia. Why are Americans becoming so callous? A generation or two ago we as a people were shocked at the cruelty in Buchenwald and Auschwitz German concentration camps. 
   But what was the useful aspects of showing this display in China. It would simply drive home the point that the State can do anything they want with you even in death. What was the useful aspect of showing this display in America.? A new generation has risen who has not faced war or the threat of the loss of their freedom and perhaps, just perhaps we are ready for our own death camps and will set on our hind sides as friends and family are haled away. Maybe I just think too deeply;some of my friends went to the exhibit but I had no desire to, as in my minds eye I could visualize that these perfectly preserved specimens who were obviously healthy individuals were not the casualties of natural causes of death. (But China has now made attempts to deny it with little or no proof of the origins of the bodies)
  Today a meat market is involved in China as people with money can go and buy a hart kidney or liver and have it transplanted. One man coming home was obviously shaken by what he had just done and went on TV and was talking about having just spent his money to save his life knowing that it had just cost some poor China-man his life. Perhaps we will only awaken when political controls involves us or someone we love. Perhaps we need to be awakened to the morality and reality of the past and present or we will awaken to have the past repeated in our future or that of our children or have no future worth offering to the next generation at all.  Richard W Norman 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Universal love

Love is said to be the universal language but socialism is not only universal indifference but ends in universal indifference in cruelty, murder, torture, and imprisonment. If these facts are present in every case in history where socialism has spread  Then the only language of love that can be understood universally is the stopping of socialism in America and the world universally. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Obama's Top Reasons for Socializing America

1) "I always wanted to be a dictator."
2) When The American people listed the main condition for socializing the USA was when PIGS FLY. Obama claimed the next day to actually have a flying pig. He declined photos, but he claimed it was very sensitive and asked the public to trust that he had one.
3) Arrest without charges would be fun.
4) Open air prison camps would be a healthy option to the public.
5) Obama believes that the KGB, SS, and Gestapo were inspired law enforcement programs and that they should be duplicated in the USA as the public would enjoy the extra attention.
6) Redistribution of wealth means to take everything you have and give it to the top 3% of the people in the USA. After all that is what happens in all socialist countries! "Whats wrong with 100% tax" said president Obama.
7) Everyone wants to be hungry.
8) Disarming the public and killing the opposition will bring peace and harmony to America.
9) True happiness comes by being controlled, beaten, tortured, raped,  and imprisoned and subjected to the new healthcare system.
11) Predictor drowns were made for public control or God would not have let us make them.
10) "Who said that having me as a dictator would not be wonderful! There is something wrong with them and we will fix it" END However what Obama will not fix is his family being part of using the health care system. When a reporter asked if he would have his family use the system if they were in a dire emergency he would not even answer the question. He paused and then simply said "next question"

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 
Richard W. Norman

Monday, November 18, 2013


There is nothing about a butterfly that would give any hint that it was once a caterpillar. People in general are not born Patriots like the butterfly they experience metamorphosis in the restrictive cocoon of slavery, censorship, and tyranny. What emerges is sensitive to law, order and elected dignitaries. If however they are again attacked by the despot they withdraw from their gentle wings the golden beak and talons of the eagle and the fang and claw of the most terrible beast and prepare themselves with the sword and shield of the warrior. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Personal Truth

Postmodernists are relay socialistic, and their writings are too Marxist to allow them to be in denial. That said one of the main ploys today is to talk about personal truths. This statement then smears the line between right and wrong dramatically. It is a good opportunity for people to claim a philosophy that is so far left that there is no truth in it. This is useful for those wanting acceptance,  after all it makes them feel good that they are finally right for a change. I mean if they really thought about it too long they would be right back to being wrong again. It would not be so bad except that it is confusing to the next generation and actually a perversion of truth to such a degree that anyone can actually claim any thing as a personal truth. There was a time when people beveled that the world was flat. When a few people started saying it was round it brought grate criticism yet it did not change the fact that it was round. The man who invented the barometer enlarged one and hung it in his town and marked it with the words sunny, cloudy and rain. The town became terrified as each time it went to these positions it rained and the town made him take it down-- after all if it went up and stayed there they could all be killed in a flood. The personal truth people would like us to be leave there is no absolute truth this than allows them again to feel good about their personal off centered philosophy. Fortunately there has been enough people who lived before us that have placed some rock hard definitions that can not be wished away as false by those claiming personal truth and these definitions are not only rock solid but outside the Bible as excepted bead rock facts that can not be argued away. Virtue, temperance, love, kindness, obedience, faithfulness, morality, honor, integrity, chastity, fidelity, and yes even truth. Since the Bible covers all this truth with such exactness the personal truth people want to discount the Bible and take it down after all if they lived in the days of Noah they might have to worry about dying in a flood. Looking for acceptance with a deviant philosophy douse not allow one man to force his opinion on others. Nor should we be slandered because we do not accept such beliefs. Neither will we be obligated to give ground or be pushed from our known truths we hold most dear. There are God given truths, eternal truths, and to say that these truths do not exist or can be changed is as ludicrous as claiming the world is flat.  Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Becoming great

A man or woman’s thoughts reflect their action and will determine who they are. If you want to self-examine who you are examine your thoughts in relation to your actions. If you do not like what you see change your thoughts and your actions will follow. If you want to be a great man or women focus on your thoughts and they will reform your actions for good. George Washington spent his early years concerned with the man, who men, would see he had become. He memorised rules of etiquette and made of himself a man among men. He prepared for greatness, it did not fall in his lap. He did not separate himself from men nor think himself above men yet men in the past and men in the present can not in the least degree slander him unless you use tabloid history written by his enemies. Even the King of England who had lost one of the largest parts of his kingdom, the Americas referred to Washington as "The  greatest man who had ever lived". Our circle of influence in this life may be small but perhaps in our sphere of influence with a concerted effort when we die perhaps, just perhaps if we had done what we can, doing all we can, might be worthy of having some few say of us that--"that was the greatest men or women I have ever known!"   Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Impeaching a President

It becomes expedient to talk about impeachment of a president when he has broken the sacred trust of the people of America. The only problem is that in the case of Obama so many of his cohorts in crime in Congress who have been involved in the plot that we would need to clean out all of Washington DC. This Obama care is obviously a fraud with the enrichment of a select few insurance companies. With every working American paying for every non working American. Perhaps it is time to impeach a lot of people. It is also time to discuss prison sentences for fraud, conspiracy, theft, tax fraud on the US public and perhaps espionage. Such a fraud has never been tried before on such an enormous scale on the people of America.Going after such a large number  of conspirators should be turned into the public's religion! If the Supreme Court is unresponsive we must conclude they are part and passel of the fraud and a larger house cleaning is in order.   Richard W. Norman  

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Religion

“When I do good I feel good and when I do bad I feel bad that is my religion” Abraham Lincoln

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 
American Hand Book on Guns Ammo and Freedom

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Politicians and a lie: A bad liar is to be scoffed at and a good liar is to be feared. Let us remember to never give any such persons a position of national trust. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.  American Handbook on Guns Ammo & Freedom

Monday, October 28, 2013

Building a Bomb Shelter

Very few people have built one but I am one that has and at the time I did not think to take step by step pictures and yet I took a few and will post them when I dig them out of a mislaid box of photos. I began the project by talking to a man in a city office who was in charge of  cavil defense and asked him about what he thought about storm and bomb shelter construction as I wanted to build one. His counsel was interesting and that was to not get a city permit and construct it with as few people knowing about it as possible. He said if there was a war then you might find the neighbors fighting with you over it. Looking at the old civil defense plans my dad had saved since the 1960's it was obvious that plans would work for either a war or a storm, tornado etc. 
  I scrounge so this would save a lot; we built our own home after getting married and it was finished and ours in three years. So this project was no different. I always ask before I load up any thing that someone throws away so I have never had any problems. Look for what we need and start collecting. They were taring the store front off of a local outlet called The Popular and they had half moon window shades that stuck out over the sidewalk about 10 ft made of concrete and they pulled in a back hoe with a jack hammer attachment and went to work. Seeing the project I approached the foreman and asked about the cement reinforcing bar and he said I could have as much as I wanted but I would need to get it louse from the rubble and hall it away. This saved him from the labor costs and I soon had a lot of re-bar. I had a three legged plumbers pipe vice and used it to straighten out the re-bar and made a considerable sized pile. Actually way more than I would need for several projects beside this one. Bending the re-bar requires no special tools all you need is a piece of 1 inch ridged pipe about 3 ft long slid over the re-bar to the desired spot. Put your foot next to the pipe and lift the pipe. Re-bar protectors are very important as if you fall on the upturned re-bar in the foundation it can kill you. These are plastic caps and the investment is small compared to the safety benefits.   
  Near where I was working was a remodel job going on and I approached the foreman about some cinder blocks they were throwing away. He said to get a helmet and come back and I could have some. I talked to my boss and asked him if I could borrow a parking space and fill it full of cinder block. So I was hauling them as fast as I could go and as the pile was getting bigger and bigger  the foreman could see value in the pile and decided not to let me have any more but I got nearly enough to do the job. It always amazes me the things that people throw away that are not valueless in tell someone else finds a use for them. 
  I had a cement mixer and so we could make our own cement and a place where I knew I could buy sand and gravel. Lumber yards discount broken bags of cement 50% so the trick is to buy the ones that are torn but have very little loss.
  At the same place where I got the cinder blocks they had thrown away a floor drain that they had jack hammered out. This was old but useful as I wanted a floor drain. Since I lived in the desert this was as simple as digging in a piece of 16 inch cement pipe about 3 ft long just lower than the floor and leaving it hollow. This pipe was also discarded and most useful. A drain pipe was run to it and the floor drain was put near the opening. A scrap of plywood was placed over the pipe and the cement floor was pored over the big pipe.
    I was driving across town on another day and found a plumbing company with hall backs from a remodel job of 6 inch ridged pipe and was able to buy all I needed for vent pipe for $45. Four inch pipe was what the job called for but the six inch worked fine.     
     There is a method of using cinder blocks called stresscrete. By sticking up the reinforcing bar from the foundation so it falls in the center of each hole of each cinder block the re-bar is then standing upright and the mortar is placed on the blocks below and the new block is slid over the upright re-bar and then set in position when the walls are to the desired height the support poles are put in place and a floor is built to support the cement that will be the roof. When this is finished the re-bar in the blocks is bent over and united with other re-bar to support the cement roof. Unlike normal cement work you do not want the re-bar to high in the cement as during a blast a huge section of the cement can shear off and crush the people inside, so the re-bar must be placed lower than normal.
  The top hatch was made from scrap 1/8 steal plate from road side pickup. Scrap metal scavengers are plentiful in El Paso Texas and metal falling off of open top semi truck is just left with the drivers hoping that no one saw it fall off their truck as it would be impossible to get it back on top of the 10 foot tall side boards by them selves. I made a very nice lid with my chop saw hand grinder and welder in an afternoon. I had to buy the hinges. The frame was made out of 4X4 angle iron scrap I had laying around that I got in a bunch of other stuff that I used in another project.   
  We had very stable soil to work with in building a storm shelter that was full of caliche, so it proposed very little if any danger from cave in. But your choices of construction should consider soil type first and foremost as some soil is absolutely unstable and would need to be excavated at a 45 degree angle for your own safety. This would mean moving a lot more dirt. Concrete walls are more stable for a bomb shelter and stronger than  stresscrete but stresscret is good stuff and works quite well for a storm shelter. This was not an expensive project in fact it was almost free but it was a labor intensive project. If you are afraid of work then you would want to consider hiring it done. I also pored the electrical pipe in place so I could have a light switch by the opening and a light over head and a plug near the vent pipe was laid in the blocks and connected to the electrical box where the light was overhead in-case I ever wanted an electric air pump. But in an emergency I would doubt you would have the electricity to power it so a hand pump would be better. After running the ridged pipe the electrical box is packed tight with old news paper and the box is securely screwed to the form. When the cement is pored and dry and the form holding up the roof is wrecked out  the paper is pulled out and the screws inside the electrical box are broken off with a hammer and chisel.
    Other things to consider if building a bomb shelter storm shelter and that is location and convince away from large items that could fall on the opening and trap you like big trees. Some like an escape rout as well. Water table is also a big consideration some storm shelters- bomb shelters must be built above ground. If you are going to invest in a storm shelter than why not have it double as a fall out shelter.
Richard W Norman
 If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 
American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kurt Hoffman 12 Nov 1910----- 25 June 2001

If history repeated itself and a Hitler arose in our US political system it might be well to remember the words of a survivor from Hitlers Germany who said "Remember evil exists because good men don't kill the government officials committing it"

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Way to Success

Courage – The ability to let go of what we usually do and apply our time to what we must do. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.  American handbook on Guns Ammo & Freedom

Friday, October 18, 2013


Let us live up to principles for that is far easier than having to fight for them to regain them, or to lose them  through personal neglect. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Left below is a manual in surviving in the cold and fighting as well 2) Beretta and Taurus both made this side arm for the military this was the operators manual. 3) Freedom from War  The united States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This was presented as the plan for the disarmament of the USA by our own people in government to the UN. Everything that has been happening in America today hinged on this one document  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

Cold Weather Survival Soldier Handbook for Individual OperationsBeretta 92F series TaurusFreedom From War Publication 7277 US Program for Complete Disarmament\

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fixing America

Political problems: It is not the load that breaks the back but the realization that some things are not needed and should not be part of the load. Richard W Norman 

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. All American Anti-disarmament Hand Book  My updated book American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Politicians – Liars are often caught in their own traps. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Seeking your goals

No dream, no vision, no faith, no work, no success. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo & Freedom

Monday, September 30, 2013

Political Lunacy

We must begin to rethink politics in America in most cases one term would be enough two terms would be pushing our luck, and to let a man or woman serve more than two terms verges on public lunacy. It is time to reenlist religious people, the patriot, the idealist. Too many with poor standards and morals have sought positions of prominence and established permanence. Its time we select those with virtues  and those with standards again and settle for nothing less.  
    Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. American Handbook on Guns Ammo & Freedom 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Political Bread

Politicians are like bread they are most palatable when they are new and fresh. Very useful in the short term and need to be changed when they have been around a while and when corrupted they need to be thrown out. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Something Beyond Death

Mortality was never meant as an easy ride
Perhaps a time of good and bad best describes
Our course supplanted with ups and downs 
Where we must lift our self from the ground.
Yet God knows our earthly plight
Of trials, tears, and tests of dark of night  
And notes- and yes sees- the sparrow in its fall.
At such times when life looks dark- and our sight is dimed  
Let us take life’s blows on the chin
And remember on whom we trust
That he will take all cares from us.
That our time is but a grain of sand
Whisked about in an eternal wind
Let us put and place our trust in Christ    
With the resurrection sure and true
We shall see- and be- with  all our loved ones soon
         Richard W Norman
My cousin lost his wife so I took pen in hand

Monday, September 23, 2013

Brass Polishing With Hamster Cage Litter - - Kitty Litter

In my book American Handbook on Guns Ammo and Freedom I have compiled a lot of substitute products you could use in an emergency. Corn cob kitty litter--hamster cage litter  is about the same thing you would get if you were buying corn-cob to use in your brass polisher at the gun shop (do not by the one made out of wood chips or clay). I have used this and it works about as well. The down side is that the corn cob is a little bigger than the one sold at the gun shops and it gets stuck in the primer pocket and must be removed. But this only requires sorting the cases and segregating the ones that need to be unplugged. You can use a pick and pop the piece out or perhaps a blast of air. Do not put the case in your mouth as there could be lead residue created when the bullet was fired. You can use a piece of rubber hose that the case neck will fit in (not snug but loosely) put a piece of tape at the other end so that it is the place you put your mouth each time you use it. Hold it in your teeth as you sort when you find a plugged primer pocket slide the shell in the hose and blow. If the litter does not come out drop the case in a separate bucket and use a probe. For polishing compound use two teaspoons automotive rubbing compound to your polisher.  Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Whose Right

Last winter in going to a movie and parking in a parking lot it was apparent that we would have to park at the other end.  It had snowed the night before and the parked cars had kept the sun from melting the snow toward the movie theater. Every car in the line had parked in the wrong direction except us. In walking toward the theater someone criticized me. I pointed out to the wife and kids that life was like those parked cars. Someone starts out in the wrong direction and people seem to follow. Then the one they focus cretinism on is the man going in the right direction. In leaving the theater people where we parked took note of the lines at the end of the lot where the snow had melted and seeing our car parked the right way followed suet.  Knowing you are going the right way is only half the battle. Being committed in staying in the right direction so others will follow is the other. Just because the moral lines of demarcation are obscured by those wanting acceptance, political leaders, Hollywood, and the press, does not make good bad or bad good any more than it was in Sodom and Gomorrah or Babylon or in Noah's day. Sometimes we have to stand up for right even if the whole world says we are wrong, even if we are hated for it. In maters of taste or opinion we may swing in the wind, but in maters of principle we must stand like an oak and God will bless us for it.      
   Richard W Norman 

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

   Combat Handgun Tactics Building the Sheet Metal BrakeM16 Rifle Manual of Operation for 5.56mm

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Someone once said " Know the way! Go the way and show the way!'" Such should be the example of any person in a position of prominence.  Perhaps we can not expect them to not slip sometimes such is in the nature of all men and women. But given that God placed them there -- if they are humble enough to recognize his hand in their success, perhaps they should also recognize the responsibility that their position bares in being a good example to the up coming generation. Hollywood wanted an actor named Danny Kay to play a suggestive part and he refused saying "What would the children think of me" Long ago a famous base ball player had his picture taken for a baseball card and they touched in him holding a cigaret and he sued to have the cards withdrawn again thinking of the children. Perhaps I am old fashioned but 'OH!' for the good old days when such people recognized that success also bares a responsibility of example.  Richard W Norman 

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) Home mad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun. 3) Black Powder Arms in Modern Application in a time of desperation you may need to use a black powder gun because you cannot get anything better better covers everything including powder production and salvaging potassium nitrate from dirt, loading, etc . To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
Building the Sheet Metal BrakeBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalBlack Powder Arms in Modern Application

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Metal Bending

This 90 lb capacity lead casting pot was built by me on this blog about a year ago I did not sell the plans but I took 20 posts and showed you how to build it. It is my version of the Magma which costs over $500. To this point you are looking at under $50 (for bolts connectors and clips the metal in the main pot was almost free except incidentals).The sheet  metal used above was salvaged car fenders. I used a drill-press, chop saw, hand grinder, bench grinder, welders,  and files to construct the valve system and the rest of the pot. The sheet metal brake was also built by me and   was originally made as a home 30 round  clip factory, but as you can see it has many hobby uses. Below is the junk I used. I would need to scrounge one more car fender and bought a nice piece of pipe for the pot but really did not need it. Using this sheet metal only requires accurate lines and lifting the bending leaf.  Richard  W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3)  Home mad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal, over 70 titles to chose from

All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBullet Casting: A War Time Resistance GuideBuilding the Sheet Metal Brake

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Every American remembers the day when the Twin Towers fell in New York the day was Sept 11 and the goal was to cause fear. Yet we Americans do not think like the world would like us to. The 911 date was calculated to symbolize an emergency response number. Yet even in tell today it is never thought of as what our enemies wanted it to symbolize. It is simply noted by one and all as 9,---11 "Not 911".

If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below-- Bomb Shelter and Fall out Shelter All the designs were tested by the government and proved useful 1), 2) and 3) below each are the actual plans for home construction designed during the cold war. Eleven plans to chose from as well as Civil Defense manuals instructing you on how to survive nuclear war. Eleven  shelter plans to chose from  You can have them as e-books now as well as military and gun books over 70 titles to chose from.
Basement Concrete Block ShelterBelowground Clay Masonry Fallout Shelter PlansFamily Fallout Shelter

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Doing Our Best and Getting Extra Help

Concerning placing our efforts into a good cause. When we have poured all we have into the crucible of sacrifice stop and ask God to magnify it. He will! Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Most gun malfunctions happen because people do not know how to take them apart and clean them. Below 1) SKS instruction manual 2) M1 Garand Instruction manual 3) M14 and M14A instruction manual with Bipod instructions. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
SKS Simonov Rifle Type 56M1 Garand caliber 30M14 Rifle- M14A1 Rifle- Bipod M2 Rifle

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lorcin Hand Guns

Many people are looking for a hand gun and know little or nothing about them. That said there are some old guns you should never buy and one is a Lorcin. The Lorcin company went out of business some time ago and at one time was a top seller of hand guns. Why such a piece of junk was so popular was because of price. The Lorcin provided a gun that some would call it a Saturday night special gun. If you are ever offered one then consider first the need, second the price $75 would be a big price, and finally reliability. The gun jams and double feeds and is good for 1 or sometimes 2 shots. Buy a better gun up front if you can afford it, if not do not give much for a Lorcin. Richard W Norman  

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps

All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBullet Casting: A War Time Resistance GuideBooby Traps

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Destroying America

The destruction of this nation is simple take normally patriotic people who love their country interject treasonous leaders who lull the people into a sense of unrealistic security so that they no longer support keeping this nation strong, well defended, and free. In that day other nations will say let us go up and divide up the lands of America. We will then be compelled to sacrifice much when we could have preserved our lands with little more effort than it would have taken to elect a better class of people then we did! In such a day we will swear by the blood of our forefathers that our lands will not be divided  We will have little choice than to mingle our blood in the dust of this good land so we can consecrate it as a free land to our grand children. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) Bullet Casting a War Time Resistance Factory, turning hobby equipment into a continues bullet supply system 3) Boobytraps nasty homemade tools designed by the military. Taking junk and making improvised boobytraps, over 70 titles to chose from

All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBullet Casting: A War Time Resistance GuideBooby Traps