Saturday, August 31, 2013

Judging Beauty

"Beauty is only skin deep--- but ugly goes clear to the bone" Thomas Franklin Norman My Grandfather. There is a beauty beyond the senses and also a ugly that has nothing to do with how a person looks. Though appealing to the eye, and pleasant in voice to the ear, yet deceptive in intent, some people have intentions that are as my Grandfather would have said were ugly clear to the bone.  The problem is most of these people are in politics. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) AK47 operators manual all the army thought a soldier needed to know 2) Arasaka Rifle some of the history as well as information on some models you should not shoot 3) Gun Reloading Equipment a Buyers Guide the very least you would need to buy. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!
AK-47 Operator Manual for Assult RifleArisaka Rifle 7.7 & 6.5 JapaneseGun Reloading Equipment: A Buyer

Monday, August 26, 2013

12 Round Magazine Spring Rifle 308 Indian A2 Ishapore Enfield

The question asked today is how do I know if I have a 5, 10, or 12 round magazine. First do not test for it by just jamming in bullets in tell they will no longer fit. The information going around right now about the 12 round Indian Ishapore is probably disabling many guns. As people try to check the magazine by putting in a full 12 rounds. So let us take a moment and explain gun springs. Springs come in two varieties one is an extension spring these are closely coiled so the coils touch. and the other is a compression spring so the coils are very far apart. Most gun springs are compression springs. In either case if an extension spring is pulled to far the coils will not return to their side by side position, and if a compression spring is pushed together to closely then the same thing will occur so the spring will brake or be crushed and you louse the use of the gun. Leaving a compression clip spring fully loaded for long periods of time would be counter productive as the spring will eventually louse its elasticity and not preform as well.
   In the case of the  magazine spring for Rifle 308 Indian A2 Ishapore I will give you the measurement from the bottom of the clip to the top. Remove the clip and the measurement on the magazine retainer notch side for the bottom of the 10 round magazine  to the top feeder lips is under 4 inches ( about 3 7/8 inches). If the magazine is smaller than that then it is a 5 round mag and if it is bigger than that then it is a 12 round  mag. ( But I have never seen a 12 round mag and I wonder if it really exists or if it was spreed around by some devious soul who gets their jolleys by having people mess up a good gun.) Repair solutions -- if your spring is broken or crushed go to a machine shop (not an automotive machine shop)and ask them if they have some bendable spring stock. Take your old spring with you so they can get about the right size. Bendable spring stock requires no hardening and with a little work on your part you will have a good chance of making a new clip spring. Cushion the tool used to bend the spring any scratches will give the new spring a weak spot where it will eventual break.
I discuss Ishapore magazine repair on this blog. Scroll down to post  6/8/12     Richard W Norman

IIf they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Developed in a simpler time Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack 2) Because of surplus import back stock military ammo that rusts gun barrels with corrosive primers this manual was written. How to clean the gun and stop the attack on your gun. 3) Gun Control and ammo and gun storage and burial To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here . No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attack TC23-44How to Clean Gun after Corrosive AmmoGun Control and Gun and Ammo Storage and Burial

Friday, August 23, 2013

Falling Pizza and Luck

Half of the mathematical equation involved in calculating the fall of a piece of pizza onto white carpet is directly correlated to pepperoni and cheese side down. The other part of the equation is correlated to someone stepping on it at the same time it hits the carpet. Some might call it luck but it is just math. For some of us it might seem as just the way our life works. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) All American Anti-disarmament Handbook, it is a ammo, gun, supply system in a book  you can make just about anything you might need in an emergency, gun manufacture, repair and ammo production with out loading equipment, three different powders and primers and much more. 2) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun.3) Salvaging old used brass and how to bring it into a usable condition. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here over 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! 
All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalCleaning and Polishing Brass:Handbook

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Scurvy and Vitamin C

In a stress situation without vitamins especially vitamin "C" your bones get soft and your teeth fall out, your legs bow and you back slumps permanently.  Its scurvy! Without fresh fruit and vegetables there is not a lot you can do so vitamin "C" pills could be as valuable as money. But there is an alternative pine needle tea. Pine trees are found around the world and are high in vitamin C & A some say that it is not to bad tasting either. The pine sap is a good antiseptic and the dried sap gum will make a fair candle and the tender inner bark in the new growth is edible. In a war being forced to eat mostly meet pine needle could be chewed while you walk. Other sources of vitamin C are sage, and wild or tame rose hips. (The swollen bulb at the base of a rose flower after it louses its petals) Richard W Norman  

 If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? Below 1) How to peaceful exit a potentially deadly situation as well as gun use. 2)Homemad sheet metal brake. This tool was manly designed as a homemade clip factory but was placed in the book below as a hobby tool for bending metal. 3) below is self explanatory and is a operation manual as well as maintenance manual for the gun To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click below. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book! You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

   Combat Handgun Tactics Building the Sheet Metal BrakeM16 Rifle Manual of Operation for 5.56mm

Sunday, August 18, 2013


War is the exceptionable denominator to God and all men only when they wish to be rescued from slavery, unjust servitude, and political bondage. Richard W Norman

 If national disarmament came than having readily concealable information in making arms, ammo, and substitute military products would be critical. Salvaging readily available surplus military products and knowing how to use these items essential in keeping the nation free. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
All American Anti-Disarmament HandbookBrowning Automatic Rifle BAR 30 CalCleaning and Polishing Brass:Handbook

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Doing Our Part

Can we expect God to defend the right if we will not defend the right ourselves. “God helps those who help themselves.” Immorality has always been the first step to national decay but a religious revival has always been a sure way to avoid destruction. The city of Niniva was saved by a return to God. Why not we! Richard W Norman

 If national disarmament came than having readily concealable information in making arms, ammo, and substitute military products would be critical. Salvaging readily available surplus military products and knowing how to use these items essential in keeping the nation free. You can now have a library of such books that will fit on a CD or flash drive for a small investment. Why not? If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home or do without.
To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!

Gun Reloading Equipment: A BuyerGuerrilla Warfare and Special Forces OperationsGun Stock Repair and Refinishing

Monday, August 12, 2013

Silent Foes

After all the political dust settles when we finally clear the tractors out of our government we will not remember the threats, arrests, attacks on those trying to restore the constitution. The most vivid memories will be the silence of those who should have been our allies. Richard W Norman 

If there was ever a war then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below-- Bomb Shelter and Fall out Shelter All the designs were tested by the government and proved useful 1), 2) and 3) below each are the actual plans for home construction designed during the cold war. Eleven plans to chose from as well as Civil Defense manuals instructing you on how to survive nuclear war. Eleven  shelter plans to chose from  You can have them as e-books now as well as military and gun books over 70 titles to chose from.
Basement Concrete Block ShelterBelowground Clay Masonry Fallout Shelter PlansFamily Fallout Shelter

Thursday, August 8, 2013


If we can not see the forest for the trees it is essential to change our position to gain a better perspective. It is not the trees that are the trouble but our lack of applying a way to see over them. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Most gun malfunctions happen because people do not know how to take them apart and clean them. Below 1) SKS instruction manual 2) M1 Garand Instruction manual 3) M14 and M14A instruction manual with Bipod instructions. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting, get it now as an E-Book over 70 to chose from!
SKS Simonov Rifle Type 56M1 Garand caliber 30M14 Rifle- M14A1 Rifle- Bipod M2 Rifle

Monday, August 5, 2013

Do You Know Your Right From Your Left

When I was a boy and growing up explaining things was pretty easy. Good was good and bad was bad. Now the line has not only blurred but switched. Long ago to be right wing was conservative believing in good principles, standards, and morals and sometimes considered a moderate running middle ground for a few reasons was exceptionable. No one wanted to be referred to as left wing. Being left wing was a radical position, one of dread, and people who were left wing were to be feared, weird, strange, and uncomfortably different. Somewhere along the way people in the press and in literature now make being right wing radical. The word right has always had good connotations, this stems from the Bible teachings of being found on the right hand of God. Being found on his left hand was the worst of positions. The term being right also shows a position of being right, thinking right, and accepting the right. The Bible also prophesied of the last days people calling good bad and bad good. I suppose that is necessary to fulfill prophesy, but I never thought that intelligent people in the press and literature would ever forget the differences of their right from their left. This change is important however to make us who be leave in the old traditions that made this country great; position our selves so we are really right. As we are right! That leaves only those who are left. I think I still know my right from my left. Do you?  Otherwise we will be left out. The real danger of this perversion is the fact that when our grand children read history or watch an old documentary when they refer to the right wing they will automatically see them (that generation) differently then we did. They will see them as radicals.  We may have to try to reclaim our ground by explaining our position The religious right, the constitutional right, the charitable right, the free right. We may also have to explain the positions of our opposition  un-religious left, the unconstitutional left. the uncharitable left, and the socialist left. It is either that or letting us be called left which would be unacceptable as we are right and they are wrong! I wrote an article about a year ago on postmodernism that explains other facets of this attack, it is a socialist ploy. It is an older blog on this site but should be there. Richard W Norman

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) How to Buy a Used Handgun Many people would like to buy a use gun this discuses the ins and outs on evaluating a used gun and how to determine if it is working as it was designed to work 2) Military Karate/Tae-Kwon-Do trainingh manual3) Very interesting historical document on old stile urban combat. To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here www.firstpatriotpress.comover 70 to chose from. No waiting, get it now as an E-Book!
How to Buy Used Hand GunKarate Tae-kwon-do Hand to Hand FightingOrganize an Attack in Urban Area

Friday, August 2, 2013

Pacific Gun Powder Scale Salvage and Repair

Starting with a good complete powder scale above it was zeroed out . This means that all the settings were set to zero and the adjuster at the end on the bottom left was screwed up or down in tell the pointer is exactly on zero. The scale will now give very accurate measurements. Aluminum counter weights were originally used in the Pacific scale  below. What I did was to use aluminum soda cans and a knife to cut the can apart and good sharp scissors. The thin aluminum allowed me to shave off little slivers so I could reach an exact weight 

There are two -20 grain (G) weights one 10 grain weight 6,5,4.3.2,1 and a 1/2 grain weight  or (.5 grain).

The metal was folded for convince and labeled with a permanent marker. An old medicine bottle will hold the weights.

Pacific (or other ) Powder Scale Salvage and Repair
There may come a time when we will need products that are not readily available. Powder scales are invaluable pieces of equipment in reloading and there are a lot of old ones around which could be brought back into service. If you only have one gun and are using one type of powder for the most part the scale could be set and used from loading session to loading session. This is not advisable, it is always good to check the scale each time but I am only saying it is possible.  In a war even if the Pacific scale  had no counter weights it could still be useful as long as the home made propellant was of a consistent weight, size, and shape and people knowing what they are doing worked up the appropriate loads and set the scale in the appropriate place. The two locking lugs would pretty much guaranty the scale would work well from day to day. But making the weights was about 1 and 1/2 hrs work so this is a small investment of time to make sure  the Pacific will meet all your loading needs  Replacement parts and balance weights and scale pans are sometimes not available or if they are they are as expensive as a new scale. In an emergency we may have to find ourselves making parts. Here to the weight of the home made scale pan and wire  cradle are not as critical on this Pacific scale because the counter weights can be set appropriately. 
  Before going on let’s talk about reliability of the old equipment. When it was made it was considered state of the art and worked well and offered very good results. That said there is no reason to doubt that just because a product is old that it will not do the same today. This example has a direct application. An interesting story told by my Dad was in the day when the old Ford model “A” and “T” and farm tractors were what they would depend on in their rural farm community in Lenard Texas. The barn became the family mechanics work shop when these things needed fixing. They worked by kerosene lamps which were not real helpful but better than nothing. On occasion a bolt would be dropped and could not be found. Taking a small stone one of the boys would lay under the vehicle and the other would drop the stone from about the same place. And in a wishful declaration would say “brother, brother go find your brother” the stones glancing blows would generally give them a close proximity of where to go looking for the lost bolt or nut. The moral of the story is the fact that you can use one useful product to fix, find a substitute, or repair another.
  Homemade replacement of balance scale weights and parts--- some of these principles apply to constructing most any product. 1) A product of a given accurate weight if measured accurately will replace a missing counter weight on a scale. 2) Shape has nothing to do with how much something weighs. So a product of a given weight can be folded, bent, waded or changed to meet the need without changing its weight. 3) When you look at replacing parts--- look at another working product to pattern the replacement part after. 4) There is nearly nothing that cannot be copied. We are too used to thinking of buying replacement parts. There was a time when people made replacement parts! Are we any less intelligent? Are we any less skilled today? NO! Our biggest problem in an emergency is not looking at what we can make do with, what is available around us. Our second biggest problem is not using what we have to its best application. Our third disadvantage is the idea “there is nothing I can do” defeatism is a sure sign you will be defeated. 5) There are products that can replace other products and work just as well. We are taught to look at apples and apples sometimes we must look at apples and oranges or grapes and bananas. Plastic can replace metal if not involved in heavy weight bearing operations or mechanical contact or applications of prolonged excessive heat beyond the products heat range. 6) In some cases heat can be used as a medium of forming plastic. 7)Aluminum can replace steal with some of the same restrictions above but steal has even greater applications. 7) Plastic is any product that can be affected and shaped by mechanical force to make a shape or using heat to make a shape. These products include steal, polymers (most of us think as plastic), aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, nickel, etc. People think of the metals mentioned before as hard and unyielding but in reality they are plastic and can be formed by pressure- pressing, heat, sawing, shearing, machining, drilling  or filing.
  A blow with a hammer will give the above weights a flatter shape. Though I used a permanent marker for this example these weights will be eventually stamped with numbers as I have the stamp set. With the new counterweights this Pacific scale will now work as well as if it was new.
  The weights you see above can be used to weigh heaver items beyond the combined weight of the whole group. This would be accomplished in one of two ways 1) by setting up the Pacific scale and weighing multiples of the weights above and dumping the products in a measuring cup. A measuring cup has a lip so it would be easier to use to return the product back into the balance scale pan, other than that the measuring cup has no other application. Another words this Pacific scale can do the same things as any other scale. The obvious reason for needing to measure heavier weights is apparent in setting up a shot gun loading machine and checking the weight of the charge bar shot hole. This is typicality only done once and afterwords the shot weight will be relied upon as being measured accurately. The same is true on the powder side of the shotgun press as long as you use the same powder. If you change the powder then you would need to check the weight again in loading book and confirm it in  your scale using the loading information for the powder involved. 
2)You can also do the above in reverse using the scale with a known weight and balancing small quantities of the shot or other product involved and dumping it into a container. There is more than one way to skin a cat! 
    Knowing these additional weights of oz to grains could be useful. 1/2 oz = 218.8 grains = G, 5/8 oz = 273.4 G, 3/4 oz = 328.1 G, 7/8 oz =382.8 G, 1 oz = 437.5 G, 1 1/8 oz = 492.2 G 1 1/4 oz = 546.9 G, 1 3/8 oz = 601.6 G, 1 1/2 oz = 656.3 G, 1 5/8 oz = 710.9 G, 1 3/4 oz = 765.6 G, 1 7/8 oz = 820.3 G, 2 oz = 875.0 G. 2 1/8 oz = 929.7 G, 2 1/8 oz = 929.7 G, 2 1/4 oz = 984.4 G, 2 3/8 oz = 1039.1 G, and 2 1/2 oz = 10938.8 G
   In an emergency the Pacific scale would be the easiest to reproduce with a 3/16 all thread rod and two threaded counter balance side by side as seen in the second photo below. The front steal and the rear aluminum. The rear balance wings set on two pins drilled into the aluminum casting seen as dark spots in the aluminum "V" notch. 
 Richard W Norman Junk Ologist  

If they pass laws against guns then you will either make your supplies at home, salvage or do without. Below 1) Left below is a manual in surviving in the cold and fighting as well 2) Beretta and Taurus both made this side arm for the military this was the operators manual. 3) Freedom from War  The united States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This was presented as the plan for the disarmament of the USA by our own people in government to the UN. Everything that has been happening in America today hinged on this one document  To see military e-manuals and gun e-books click here No waiting over 70 to chose from, get it now as an E-Book!

Cold Weather Survival Soldier Handbook for Individual OperationsBeretta 92F series TaurusFreedom From War Publication 7277 US Program for Complete Disarmament\